Research Design Paper Instructions

POLS 2312 Study of Politics

Fall 2005


            The purpose of this document is to explain how to write the research design paper, which is one of the requirements of this course and counts for 20 percent of your grade.  This assignment is very important in that it will provide you with an opportunity to think about how research is conducted.  Instead of just being a consumer of political research and knowledge, you will need to think like a producer of knowledge.  This assignment is also designed so that you can think about the best ways to test hypotheses instead of becoming involved in an extensive literature review.  Students should either use the Black & Black (optional for the course) or the Thomas Frank books as the source of the research question they will propose to investigate in their papers.  Below I outline the steps that you need to follow:


Step One:  Choose a research question.  Here I suggest a few related to the Black & Black book.  If using the Frank book, look for questions to which he thinks he provides conclusive evidence.  Research questions should typically seek to explain the electoral success of the Republican Party or conservatives in recent years.


            1:  Why does the GOP control the United States Senate?

            2:  Why does the GOP control the United State House of Representatives?

            3:  Do more people consider themselves conservatives today than in the past?  If so, why has this shift in the electorate occurred?


Step Two: Begin to think about theory and hypotheses.  You will want to state at least one hypothesis in your paper for which you will construct a research design.


Step Three: Outline the research design to test your theory.


This is what your paper should look like:

1.      Introduction

2.      Theoretical discussion and hypothesis(ses)

3.      Research Design:

a.                   Type of Research Design, including sampling design if relevant

b.                  Temporal and Spatial scope: what time period and cases included

c.                   Unit of analysis: individual voters, states, elections, etc.

d.                  Operationalization of dependent and independent variables

e.                   Data collection instruments and techniques

f.                    Data processing and testing techniques




The introduction is intended to give the reader a quick glance of what you will be researching and highlighting why it is important. In other words, why the problem or topic you are studying is important and why we should care.  Why do I care about Republicans winning office?  What is at stake or is generally interesting? It is important that you can reduce your research question to a one sentence actual question.  You may even want to begin your paper with this question (first line of the paper).  It is important that the reader know exactly what you seek to study in order to evaluate your plan to do so.  A good introduction introduces the reader to the subject matter but also gives a good idea of where the paper will go.  So it is a good idea to outline the rest of the paper so that a reader will be able to anticipate and evaluate it as it unfolds.


2.   Theoretical discussion and hypothesis (ses)


Theory and conceptualization

Explain what theory you will be based your analysis and why it is the most appropriate. How are you conceptualizing your problem?  This is the section where you will lay out your theory about what is driving GOP success or changes in the electorate toward the right.  Here you will identify the main concepts that you will need to operationalize and measure.  Theory relates concepts into causal processes.  What independent variables are affecting your dependent variable?


Main hypothesis (ses): 

State as clearly as possible your hypothesis or hypotheses (plural).




Type of research design:

I will be conducting explanatory research because ….  Here you lay out the nature of your study, such as quantitative or qualitative, survey or aggregate data, etc.


Scope of the research:   (population, settings and time frame)

Example: The research will study the effect of global warming in Mexico from 1970 to 2000.  It will look at only the rural communities defined as ……


Unit of analysis:  Specify the unit of analysis, in a survey this is the response from subjects at some given time or place.


Operationalize your variables:  In this section you will explain how you will measure your variables, which leads to the next section on data.


Data collection instruments and techniques:  What data will you need and how will you collect it?  This section may be a bit difficult on the issue of actually collecting data, but we will not actually do that for this paper.  What you need to do is discuss what type of data you would need and how one would need to collect it.  In regard to survey data, you should discuss what type of sampling technique you would use (random, nonrandom, stratified, etc.).



Model testing and statistical Analysis  

You need to include this if you will be using a specific model to test your hypotheses and to determine the statistical validity. If you would be proposing to use a quantitative model, specify the basic model of the relationship(s).

                                          Y = a + bX + e

You will not have a deep knowledge of statistical methods from this course alone by the time you get started on this paper, so you will need to use what we discuss in class and contained in your text.  Do not stress highly over this issue and try to do your best. 


4,  Conclusions (this section need not be deep but is a chance to summarize as well as to mention what ever might be interesting and unsaid thus far in the paper.


5.  References (if you cite outside sources beyond Frank or Black & Black)



Some other important points are as follows.  First, inevitably I will field the question regarding the length of the paper.  The correct answer is whatever it takes to write a good paper without it being too long.  What matters most is quality not quantity, although a lack of sufficient quality may be associated with papers short on quantity.  Second, the readings this semester should offer some hints regarding theory, hypotheses, variables, and measurement and should be the basis for your paper.  You may of course go beyond these readings.  This paper is an excellent assignment with which to show dedication and interest in the subject matter, that if you pull the paper off, will go as noted and receive extra credit.  Second, you must avoid plagiarism at all cost.  Read the disclaimer and statement about plagiarism on the syllabus.  I take this very, very seriously.  If you plagiarize, not only are you cheating but also doing yourself a disservice in the long-run by not learning how to think and write on your own.  Third, papers should be in Times New Roman font, 12pt size, double-spaced, with page numbers, using proper and consistent citation style, proper use of headings and subheadings, and without spaces between paragraphs except when using headings and subheadings.  Also, do not use contractions and write in a formal manner without slang.