Function of the program:   The program reads in spherical virus electron-density maps and project the densities along defined radial vectors onto a sterographic sphere. The projected density can be represented as contour lines or as gradient of colors. The program can also read atomic coordinates from a PDB and project chosen residues as roadmap onto the same sterographic sphere. The residues can be labeled and colored in various way. The program is still actively developped. If you have any problem of using it. Please contact the author at Chuan (River) Xiao (cxiao@utep.edu)

Citation of the program: Please cite the paper in your publication using "Xiao, C. and Rossmann, M. G. (2007). "Interpretation of electron density with stereographic roadmap projections." J Struct Biol 158(2): 182-7. PubMed PMID: 17116403;PMCID: PMC1978246; Download PDF.

Download of the program

Latest version: major changes with support of the APBS potential maps, tested but might have bugs, please report if you encount bugs.

V5.1 64bit:

Stable versions: match the publication with minor changes.

V4.5 64bit; V4.5 common linux;

Earlier versions:

V4.2 64bit; V4.2 common linux; V4.0 64bit; V4.0 common linux;

V3.2 common linux; V3.1 common linux; V3.0 common linux; V2.9 common linux;

Testing files with examples:


Purpose of the program:   Studies of receptor binding to the surface of parvoviruses presented a problem of how to visualize the interaction between the two complex molecular surfaces. The program RIVEM (Radial Interpretation of Viral Electron density Maps) was developed to project an asymmetric receptor density radially onto a unit sphere using spherical coordinates. The stereographic diagram of the projected densities allows a clear visualization of the receptor footprint on the icosahedral virus surface. A spherical "roadmap" function was incorporated into RIVEM so that virus surface residues were projected within the same unit sphere and therefore superimpose onto the projected receptor densities. The program offers a powerful way to visualize and study the correlation between atomic structures and electron density maps in a generic variety of model systems.

  • Spherical Systems:   Two spherical coordinate systems were defined in the RIVEM program (see figure below) to match the two different standard icosahedral orientations (see figure inset icosahedrons). This allowed users to visualize their results without having to rotate the map or the atomic coordinates before using the program. In system 1, the definitions of the two polar angles are similar to those used in (Rossman and Blow, 1962), which can facilitate the comparison between X-ray crystallography studies and cryo-EM studies, because these definitions were also used in many X-ray crystallography programs such as the general rotation function program GLRF (Tong and Rossmann, 1997). In system 2, the output results are similar to those of the ROADMAP program (Chapman, 1993), in which X axis points north and Y axis is towards the east on the final 2-D diagram.

  • Usage: rivem [options] [in.map]* out.ps

    * Input map can be ommitted so that it will only generate the sperical roadmap. But -O option must be set.

  • Opitions define the plot region:
    Options explanations
    -S polar Define the polar system,default is 1
    polar = 1: Theta(Psi) is rotate from X
                  Phi is rotate from Y toward Z
    polar = 2: Theta(Psi) is rotate from Y
                  Phi is rotate from X away from Z
    2 is the same as Rossmann&Blow,1962
    -Pbeg[in] begPhi Plot start with begPhi,default 0.0
    -Pend endPhi Plot start with endPhi,default 180.0
    -Tbeg[in] begTheta Plot start with begTheta,default 0.0
    -Tend endTheta Plot start with endTheta,default 180.0
    -D delta_angle Define the increment step of angle,default 1.0 degree
    -Xbeg[in] begX Plot start with begX in Angstrom, default -3.402823E+38
    -Xend endX Plot start with endX in Angstrom, default 3.402823E+38
    -Ybeg[in] begY Plot start with begX in Angstrom, default -3.402823E+38
    -Zbeg[in] begZ Plot start with begX in Angstrom, default -3.402823E+38
    -Zend endZ Plot start with endX in Angstrom, default 3.402823E+38
    -O Turn off map countour plotting, only plot roadmap, map filename should be omitted, otherwise it will be regarded as the PDB input

  • Opitions for the maps
    Options explanations
    -E add_map_n Define the number of additional maps, mimimum is 1,maximum is 9 default is no additional map will be read
    -eX mapfilename Read-in the additional maps to superimpose on the original map, X support from 0 to add_map_n-1 if you have 1 additional map, X should be 0 (C language style)
    -A[X] average Use the NCS to average the map (average=1) or apply values from one asymmetric unit to other asymmetric unit(average=2) to the other asymmetric unit. X: if exist corespondent to the additional maps
    -I[X] Use icosahedral recalculated radius instead of the original radius X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps, this option require -m to input the icosahedral matrices
    -R[X]fix fixR Define the perticular radius that need to plot,see -Rmode,default 0.0A X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps
    -R[X]beg[in] begR Define the starting radius in A for density projection,default 0.0A X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps
    -R[X]end endR Define the end of the radius in A for density projection, default is the maximum diagonal radius of the map X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps
    -R[X]step delta_R Define the increment step of the radial projection, default is the map voxel size, X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps
    -R[X]mod[e] Rmod Define the radial interpretation mode,default is 1
    • Rmod = 0*: Density between begR and endR will be interpolated by the step of delta_R, the sum value will be plot
    • Rmod = 1 (default):
      Density between begR and endR will be interpolated by the step of delta_R, the averaged value will be plot
    • Rmod = 2: only the radius of a fix radius fixR will be plot
    • Rmod = 3: only the radius from the atoms of the PDB will be plot this is useful to only plot the density coorespondent to the selected atoms, also see -r options of the PDB
    X if exist coorespondent to the additional maps
    * be careful to use and interprete the plot that use Rmod=0 because the sum of the density will have much larger dynamic range than the original map. Choose the contour settings of -C carefully. Using small delta_R will further increase the range. It will also affect the -c color_method option 4 and 5 that color the residues with density map
    -C[X] contour_start contour_end contour_step line_type color Contour the map X in certain line type and color, X corespond to the additional map number

    • =1: filled line with width 0.1
    • =2: filled line with width 0.5
    • =3: filled line with width 1.0
    • =4: dash line 1 with width 0.1
    • =5: dash line 1 with width 0.5
    • =6: dash line 2 with width 0.1
    • =7: dash line 2 with width 0.5
    • =0: Blue;
    • =1: Red;
    • =2: Gray;
    • =3: Orange;
    • =4: Yellow;
    • =5: Tan;
    • =6: Silver;
    • =7: Green;
    • =8: White;
    • =9: Pink;
    • =10: Cyan;
    • =11: Purple;
    • =12: Lime;
    • =13: Mauve;
    • =14: Ochre;
    • =15: Iceblue;
    • =16: Black.

  • Opitions for the PDB (Roadmap)
    -p PDB_filename Give the name for the PDB file for the Roadmap
    -a maximum_atom_number Define the maximum_atom_number,default is 500000
    -B border_width border_color Define the roadmap outline line width and border color, default line width will be automatic determined by the program based on the angular step, delta_angle(see -D); color option see -C, default color will be black(16)
    -b add_atom_move add additional atom movement in A, default 0.0, default atom radius is van der Waals radius plus the affect of temperature (B) factor
    -l label_size label_color Turn on label of the residues on the roadmap and define the label size and label color; label color option see -C; when label_size equal 0 the program will automatic determine it based on the angular step, delta_angle(see -D)
    -rmin[imum] r_min Define minimum radius for atom coordinates, atoms with radius smaller than r_min will not be read in
    -rmax[imum] r_max Define maximum radius for atom coordinates, atoms with radius larger than r_max will not be read in
    -rfix r_fix Define the perticular radius to find the closest atom
    -rmod[e] r_mod Define the mode of the roadmap, default is 1
    • r_mod = 1: the outer surface (maximus radius) atoms will be plot
    • r_mod = 2: the inner surface (mimimum radius) atoms will be plot
    • r_mod = 3: the closest atom to r_fix will be plot
    -xmin[imum] x_min Define X minimum for atom coordinates, atoms with X smaller than x_min will not be read in
    -xmax[imum] x_max Define X maximum for atom coordinates, atoms with X larger than x_max will not be read in
    -ymin[imum] y_min Define Y minimum for atom coordinates, atoms with Y smaller than y_min will not be read in
    -ymax[imum] y_max Define Y maximum for atom coordinates, atoms with Y larger than y_max will not be read in
    -zmin[imum] z_min Define Z minimum for atom coordinates, atoms with Z smaller than z_min will not be read in
    -zmax[imum] z_max Define Z maximum for atom coordinates, atoms with Z larger than z_max will not be read in

  • Opitions for both map and PDB
    -c color_method Turn on coloring the residues on the roadmap
    • color_method = 1, color by residue type
    • color_method = 2, color by radius, from small radius (Red) to large radius(Blue)
    • color_method = 3, color by radius, from small radius (Blue) to large radius(Red)
    • color_method = 4*, color by density height, negative(red) positive(blue), the density is from the input map
    • color_method = 5*, color by density height, negative(blue) positive(red), the density is from the input map
    • if not number**, it will be the PDB filename for the residues that need to e colored, use X Y Z in the PDB as the R G B

    * Only the original input map density can be used to color the roadmap residues(color_method 4 and 5), all the additional map can only be plotted with contoure lines using -C

    ** The name of the PDB file that controls the residue color needs to be started with letter instead of number. Otherwise it might be read as a numbered option 1 to 5

    -G color_mid_point Define the color middle point for RGB color gradient option -G and -g are related to how to make a RGB gradient The formula of a RGB gradient is the same as described in VMD http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/vmd-1.7.1/ug/node76.html
    -g color_min Define the color minimum for RGB color gradient option -G and -g are related to how to make a RGB gradient The formula of a RGB gradient is the same as described in VMD http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/vmd-1.7.1/ug/node76.html
    -dmin d_min Set the lowest plot value for the RGB gradient, related to the color_method, it can be the smdallest radius or the lowest density default will be lowest radius calculated during the plot or the negative maximum absolute value of the lowest and highest density (-MAX(abs(density_min),abs(density_max))).For density,the input d_min smaller or equal to zero
    -dmax d_max Set the highest plot value for the RGB gradient, related to the color_method, it can be the largest redius or the highest density default will be the highest radius calculated during the plot or the positive maximum absoluted value of the lowest and highest density (MAX(abs(density_min),abs(density_max))). For density, the input d_max must larger than zero
    -s plot_axis Plot the icosahedral axis with plot_axis_color. plot_axis default is 0, not ploting the axes are defined in the matrix_file input by option -m
    • plot_axis = 1 only plot the axis
    • plot_axis = 2 plot the axis and the border of each asymmetric unit
    -sc axis_color define axis_color, default is 16(black) see -C for color code
    -ss symbol_size define symbol_size, default is 6, can be 1 to 12
    -sb asu_border_color define asymetric unit border color, default is 16 (black), see -C for color code
    -sl asu_border_linetype define asymetric unit border_linetype, default is 3 (solid,width 1.0), see -C for linetype definition
    -m matrix_file Read in the matrices for the PDB and the maps (include additonal maps), the matrix_file should be in CNS ncs.def matrix format, see examples*
    *Both NCS and map (include additional maps) rotational -translational matrices are read from the matrix_file
    -M matrix_max Define the maximum matrix number, default is 100

  • Additional Opitions
    -N axis_number axis(1)_theta axis(1)_phi axis(1)_fold axis(1)_size axis(1)_color
    axis(axis_number)_theta axis(axis_number)_phi axis(axis_number)_fold axis(axis_number)_size axis(axis_number)_color
    Draw additional defined symmetry symbols axis_number define how many axes. Each axis is controled by five parameters: theta, phi, fold, size and color; theta, phi should be in the plot range, fold options are 2,3,4,5,6. Check -C for color codes
    -L line_number line(1)_theta_start line(1)_phi_start line(1)_theta_end line(1)_phi_end line(1)_color line(1)_type
    line(line_number)_theta_start line(line_number)_phi_start line(line_number)_theta_end line(line_number)_phi_end line(line_number)_color line(line_number)_type
    Draw defined additional line (great cycle curved line) by inputting start and end polar angles and line type. The polar angle should be inside the plotting range. Check -C for color codes and line types
    -F label_number label(1)_theta label(1)_phi lable(1)_size label(1)_color label(1)_text
    label(label_number)_theta label(label_number)_phi label(label_number)_size label(label_number)_color label(label_number)_text
    Put a text label at input polar angle, the angle need to be in the plot range. No space is allowed in label_text, use quotation marks. Check -C for color codes
    -v verbose_level Define the verbose level. Default verbose_level=1
    • 0: work quietly;
    • 1: minimum printout;
    • 2: extensive printout;
    • 99: debugging printouts
    -h Print the help manual

  • Examples:
    1. Plot a spherical roadmap for one asymmetric unit with color of radius:

      rivem -S 1 -l -v 1 -c 3 -dmin 110.0 -dmax 150.0 -s 2 -m ncs.def -D 0.1 -Pbeg 62.0 -Pend 118.0 -T beg 55.0 -Tend 95.0 -p CPV.pdb -O color_by_radius.ps

      (click to enlarge)

      Roadmaps of CPV.
      A. CPV surface residue plot generated by the ROADMAP program (Chipman, M 1993). Surface residues are colored according to the Z value of the atom positions in the Cartesian coordinate system. B. CPV surface residues plotted by the RIVEM program. Surface residues are colored based on the maximum radial distance Rmax of the atom to the virus center in a spherical coordinate system.

    2. Plot a spherical roadmap for one asymmetric unit with residues in the file color.pdb being colored and a difference map being contoured:

      rivem -S 1 -C 25.0 70.0 5.0 3 1 -c color.pdb -l -v 1 -s 2 -m ncs.def -D 0.1 -Rbeg 140.0 -Rend 200.0 -Pbeg 62.0 -Pend 118.0 -Tbeg 55.0 -Tend 95.0 -p CPV.pdb diff.xplor asym_colorresidue.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    3. Plot the front half sphere with a contour of the map within a radial shell:

      rivem -S 1 -s 2 -v 1 -m ncs.def -D 0.1 -C 25.0 70.0 5.0 3 1 -C -70.0 -25.0 5.0 5 0 -c 4 -E 1 -e0 diff.xplor -R0beg 140.0 -R0end 200.0 -C0 25.0 70.0 5.0 6 16 -Rmod 1 -Rbeg 110.0 -Rend 130.0 -Pbeg 0.0 -Pend 180.0 -Tbeg 0.0 -Tend 180.0 -c contact_color.pdb -p contact.pdb diff.xplor 110.0_130.0.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    4. Icosahedrally average the plotted map:

      rivem -S 1 -C 6.0 20.0 2.0 3 1 -C -20.0 -6.0 2.0 5 0 -c 5 -v 1 -s 2 -m ncs.def -A 1 -D 0.8 -Rbeg 110.0 -Rend 130.0 -Pbeg 62.0 -Pend 118.0 -Tbeg 55.0 -Tend 95.0 diff.xplor 110_130_average.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    5. Roadmap colored by the calculated surface potential:

      rivem -A 2 -c 4 -Rmod 3 -dmin -5.0 -dmax 5.0 -l -m ncs.def -v 1 -s 2 -D 0.1 -Pbeg 60.0 -Pend 120 .0 -Tbeg 55.0 -Tend 95.0 -p cva21.pdb cva21_delphi.xplor charge.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    6. Radial shell and Icosahedral shell plots:

      A. rivem -s 2 -m ncs.def -Rbeg 732.0 -Rend 1020.0 -C 50.0 300.0 25.0 3 1 pbcv_9A.xplor pbcv_r.ps

      B. rivem -s 2 -m ncs.def -I -Rbeg 900.0 -Rend 1020.0 -C 90.0 162.0 10.0 3 1 pbcv_9A.xplor pbcv_i.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    7. Additional axes, lines and labels:

      rivem -C -150.0 -0.0 30.0 4 1 -s 2 -sc 12 -ss 10 -sb 0 -sl 7 -m ncs.def -Rbeg 210.0 -Rmod 0 -Pbeg 50.0 -Pend 130.0 -Tbeg 50.0 -Tend 130.0 -c 4 -N 2 60.0 70.0 4 12 16 80.0 115.0 6 10 5 -L 1 60.0 7 0.0 80.0 115.0 0 3 test.xplor -F 1 115.0 70.0 20 0 "Happy Chinese New Year" additional.ps

      (click to enlarge)

    BUG REPORT: If you meet any bugs or problems of the programs, please email me at cxiao@utep.edu.