BizStats - provides a wide range of substantive statistical data and summaries on various business topics with special attention to small business statistics. Categories include national business statistics such as employee productivity; and safest/riskiest businesses to begin; as well as statistical compilations for specific areas like construction, retail, and service industries
UTEP Factbook - access current UTEP statistics. For additional archival material go here.
The U.S. Census Bureau and other government sites listed above offer statistics for the U.S. states, metro areas, and counties.
Selective list of CD-ROMs available at the Reference Desk (Check the catalog for other titles):
1990 Census of Population and Housing Public Law 94-171 Data -- Census '90 Hawaii, Missouri, Montana Nevada, and Texas. Location Ref Desk C3.281:h31.990/CD/corr.DOC
ECON 97 Report Series (issued April 2000) -- Incased economy-wide key statistics for mining construction and manufacturing. It also includes the geographic Area Series that covers utilities, construction, wholesale, Retail trade, Transportation and Warehousing, Information, Finance and Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Management of Companies and Enterprises, Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Educational Services, Health Care and Social Assistance, Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation, accommodation and Foodservices. Location Ref Desk C3.277:CD-EC 97-2/DISC.2A
Older Population of the United States -- 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Location Ref Desk C3.286:CD9055TF19
Persons of Hispanic Origin in the United States -- 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Location Ref Desk C3.286:CD9055TF03
Poverty Areas in the United States -- 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Location Ref Desk C3.286:CD9055TF17
REIS: Regional Economic Information System (1969-98) -- Contains personal income estimates for the years 1969-98, for all counties, metropolitan areas, States, State metropolitan and nonmetropolitan proportions, BEA regions, BEA Economic Areas, and the United States. Tables included: Personal income by major source and earnings by industry, Full-time and part-time employment by industry, Regional Economic Profiles, Transfer Payments, Farm income and expenses, BEA Regional Fact Sheet. Location: Ref Desk C59.24:969-98/ CD
Demographics USA. COUNTY EDITION. Consists of over 1500 pages of maps and demographic, economic and commercial/industrial estimates. It covers population and race/ethnicity, age/sex groups, household related data, Effective Buying Income, retail sales and number of establishments by twelve individual store groups, twelve merchandise line categories, consumer expenditure data, establishment and employment data, and occupation data. Projections for major categories such as population, households and retail sales. REF DESK HF5415.1.D463
Demographics USA. ZIP EDITION. Consists of over 1500 pages of demographic, economic and commercial/industrial estimates. It covers population and race/ethnicity, household related data, Effective Buying Income, retail sales and number of establishments, consumer expenditure data, establishment and employment data, and occupation data. Projections for major categories such as population, households and retail sales. REF DESK HF5415.1.D464
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book: A Statistical Abstract Supplement. Convenient summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the states and metropolitan areas of the United States. Statistical reference and guide to other statistical publications and sources. REF DESK C3.134/5:997-98
State Profiles: The Population and Economy of each U.S. State. Edited by Courtenay M. Slater & Martha G. Davis. Includes National trends, State Rankings, Overviews, Population and Labor Force, Economic Structure, Housing, Agriculture, Education, Health and Government and other valuable information such as notes and definitions. REF DESK HA203.S734
Statistical Abstract of the United States: The National Data Book. Standard summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. New tables presenting industry statistics for the first time based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), comparative data for 1992 and 1997, based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Summary data for industries, other new tables cover such topics as the foreign-born population, health care expenditures, the Medicare trust fund, violence in schools, presale handgun checks, recycling programs, defense-related employment and spending, workplace violence, ownership of mutual funds, computer use, results of the 1997 agriculture, and mail order catalogue sales, 20th century statistics, presenting data beginning in 1900 (population, vital statistics, health, education, income, labor force, communications, agriculture, defense and other areas). REF DESK C3.134999
Statistical Abstract of the World. Marlita A. Reddy, Editor. Comprehensive data of 185 countries of the world. Includes physical characteristics; demographic subjects: ethnicity, religion, and language; education; science and technology; government and defense; labor; energy, production, and manufacturing; and finance, economics, and trade. REF DESK HA155.S73
Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics. Compiled and edited by Frank L. Schick and Renee Schick. Includes Hispanics Statistical Information in the following areas: Demographics, Immigration and Naturalization, Social Characteristics, Education, Health, Politics, Labor Force, Economic Conditions. REF DESK E184.S75S27
The World Factbook. Released by the US Central Intelligence Agency in 1999. Data available for more than 260 countries. Includes the map and flag, geographic, population, government, economic, communication, transportation, military, and transnational issue information. REF DESK PREX 3.15:998
Business Statistics of the United States (REF DESK HC101 .A131222)
International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics (REF DESK HC 10 .I673)
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Lilia Fernandez
Last updated: 10/17/06