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Dr. M.
Adam Mahmood
Ellis and
Susan Mayfield Endowed Professor in Business Administration
of Information and Decision Sciences
of Texas at El Paso
Phone: (915)-747-7754
[CIS 4365] - Database Management
[CIS 4375] - Introduction to E-Commerce
[CIS 5311] - Management Information Systems (Downtown MBA)
5313] - Strategic Information Systems
[CIS 5340 - E-Commerce]
Biographical Sketch
Dr. M. Adam Mahmood is a tenured full Professor of Computer Information Systems in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences. He also holds the Ellis and Susan Mayfield Professorship in the College of Business Administration. He is a visiting faculty at the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland and University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Prior to joining the University of Texas at El Paso, he taught at the University of Missouri at St. Louis and worked for NASA as a visiting scholar in its Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Pasadena, California. He received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems at Texas Tech University.
Dr. Mahmood's scholarly and service experience includes a number of responsibilities. He is presently serving as the editor in chief of the Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. He has just finished serving as the guest editor of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce and the Journal of Management Information Systems. He has also recently served two one-year terms as president of the Information Resources Management Association, an international professional organization that includes educators, researchers, and practitioners from over 50 countries. He has also served for two years as president of the Faculty Senate at the University of Texas at El Paso and a member of the University of Texas System Chancellor's Advisory Council. In 1997 and again in 2003, because of "his accomplishments as a highly respected professional in his field," he was invited to be a member of American Who's Who and International Who's Who of Professionals. In 1997, because of his technical expertise and leadership role, former Governor Bush appointed him to a Texas State Board. In 1998-99 and again in 2002, because of his scientific contribution, he has been recognized by American Men & Women of Science "as being among the most distinguished scientists in the United States and Canada." In 2001 the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England named his as one of the 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century. Also in 2001 Governor Perry appointed him to the Texas State Board that oversees the Texas Department of Information Services.
Dr. Mahmood's research interests center on the utilization of information technology including electronic commerce for managerial decision making and strategic and competitive advantage, group decision support systems, and information systems success as it relates to end user satisfaction and usage. On this topic and others, he had also published four edited books and 87 technical research paper in some of the leading journals and conference proceedings in the information technology field including Management Information Systems Quarterly, Decision Sciences, Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, INFOR --Canadian Journal of Operation Research and Information Processing, Journal of Information Systems, Information and Management, Journal of End User Computing, Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, Data Base, and others. He has also presented papers in a number of regional, national, and international conferences. In recognition of his research, he has received a number of "outstanding research" awards from the College of Business Administration and various professional organizations. During the last few years, Dr. Mahmood (with L.Gemoets) had published over $250,000 in research funds from NASA/JPLand and other sources. During the summer of 2004, he received a small grant form Raytheon to train Raytheon/Miratek employees.
Professor Mahmood teaches a number of graduate and undergraduate computer information systems courses including electronic commerce with ColdFusion, database management systems with Oracle, management information systems, decision support systems, information technology policy and management, strategic and competitive information systems, and artificial intelligence and expert systems. In addition to teaching, he also supervises master's theses, professional reports, and doctoral dissertations. Most of these theses and professional reports have resulted in publications with the students and faculty colleagues in refereed research journals. In recognition of his teaching, he has also received a number of teaching awards.