Dr. Oscar Macchioni


University of Texas at EL Paso

Music Department

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Oscar Macchioni


 UTEP Music Dept


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    Technology Project

Orchestration and Multi Track Recording


   Below, there are examples of  students' Technology Project.

   Students were directed to choose a melody from their books and harmonize, arrange, orchestrate

   it to include a minimum of four other voices/instruments, and sequence it using the keyboards in the

   Piano Lab..


   In the process students learned:

   1) to perform the piano part/s

   2) to harmonize given melodies

   3) to used creativity and improvisation creating four additional parts

   4) to apply basic orchestration concepts

   5) to explore the capabilities of the new digital pianos,

   6) and to apply technology by sequencing and recording the different instrument in

      different tracks.


Selected students works:



1) Oscar S So Nice

2) Fernando M La cuca

2) Matthew F Blues

4) Manuel R Fur Elise

5) Berny A Greensleeves




1) Edgar R  Blue Bossa

2) Danniel C Silent Night

3) Adrian L Carol of the Bells




1) Oaxaca S Red River Valley

2) Eric R Charlie is my darling

3) Chirs E Simple Gifts (modal "Norteņo Style")

4) Jonah B Project!




1) Daniel C St Blues

2) James C Over the Rainbow

3) Lydia A Sneaky Business