How to do a Peer Review


Part A: Sound and Sense

1.        Read the text you have out loud.  As you read, note anything that just does not sound right, or makes no sense to you as written.

2.        How interesting do you think this work is?




General comments for improving the work: _______________________________________

Part B: Monitor


  1. Note all technical errors (incorrect spelling, grammar, punctuation, word-use) that you find in the text. If online, also note any Net problems (dead links, missing content, etc.)
  2. Find the MAIN THESIS statement or standpoint in the work. 
Part C: Grade the text from A thru F on the following seven factors, and comment briefly on each point:


a. Clarity (How clear is the work?  Is it easy to understand?) ___


b. Grandeur (How interesting is the work?  How well does the author use description and emotion?) ___


c. Beauty (How good is the author's use of language?  Is this a pleasure to read? Does the author use the right style of writing [not too informal, not too formal]? If the work is online, how is the background? Are the graphics beautiful or ugly?)___


d. Speed (Does this work obey the KISS principle? Is the writing easy to read, or does it drag? If this is online, is the website easy to navigate, or is it confusing and cluttered? Does background, fancy font or in-your-face graphics make it too hard to read?)___


e. Character (How well does the author's own voice show through in the text and graphics?  Or is s/he just parroting someone else? Does the character of this work do the author proud, or should s/he be ashamed of it? Is it professional-looking or amateurish?)___


f. Truth (How true are the facts and graphics used in the work?  Does the author say where facts and information that are not common knowledge came from?  How well does the author use the facts?)___


g. Gravity (Does this work pass the "Who cares?" test? How much does the student's work make you care about the subject?  How informative or convincing is it over all?)___


Part D:   Note anything (word, sentence, paragraph or unnecessary graphics) in the essay that is "fat"--that is, it seems unnecessary, not on subject, too wordy, too flowery, or simply off the topic. 

Attention author: This whole exercise is a waste of time unless you FIX your text (rewrite it) to eliminate any problems and to improve any shortcomings discovered in the peer review process.
(Part C is based on Hermogenes' Seven Ideas)

O.W. 8/05 rev 1/10

For educational purposes only.

Owen Williamson, MA
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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