INSTRUCTOR  Owen M. Williamson, MA  

In case of absence, or if class is ever cancelled due to circumstances beyond Instructor control, students are still expected to complete and submit all assignments shown on this Calendar page if possible.

Week 7


Spring 2012 schedule open for students to view in Goldmine October 3, 2011


Quiz on Borders Chapter 5: Click HERE, before Tuesday, 7:00 am.

Dispelling the myth of the lone genius creating knowledge. Research and the idea of the community of scholarly discourse. [Academic success strategies] [Critical thinking] [Library research]

Discuss Fine Arts activities. (e.g., films, art exhibits, music events, museum, theater production, etc.)

Public speaking activity—declamation. [Applies to theme / discipline] [Public speaking]


Work Group 7 will discuss Assignment 7.

Powerpoint: CHEATING

What do professors expect from you?
Make office visits. Professors want you to visit them during scheduled
office hours.
Understand the syllabus. Professors expect you to consult the course
syllabus and understand course requirements.
Use knowledge. Professors insist that you think about and synthesize
seemingly unrelated topics.
Be responsible. You have to know what is required when it comes to
being organized and prepared for class; in short, professors expect you to
take responsibility for yourself.

Borders, 1st edition.

Assignment: Response or discussion.


Event Report 1 due online by Friday.

Using your research sources (must be at least 4 different sources), first write up a complete (roughly 5 page) report on the specific regional cuisine your work group is researching for your Final Collective Project, including this cuisine's favorite spices and flavors, favorite dishes, their origins, and their primary ingredients. Turn this in on Friday, October 7, 2011 in class, in hardcopy. (This will serve as your midterm exam). Be sure to cite your sources! 

In-class activity: What kind of book would you want to write, whether it be on your major, your intended professional field of work, or some other subject of public interest? Give the subject or point of view that you want to write about, and whether the book would be persuasive (arguing a point, convincing readers), informative, or have some other purpose (i.e., humorous, tragic, speculative, etc.).  Tell who would be your intended audience (DO NOT write "everyone," or "the whole world!" Address your book to some specific audience in terms of age, interests, educational level, gender, language, etc.) Then give ten chapter headings, titles or subjects that your book might have. 


1. Read Jacob, Ch. 7 (pps 179-200).

2 Read Borders chapter 6: Avoiding Hazards Along the Way.

2.Quiz on Borders Chapter 5: Click HERE:.



1. Complete Life Event Scale. Bring along for next week's class.

2. Explore each of the following links: UTEP films, art exhibits, music events, museum, theater production.

3. In your work group, using your research sources (must be at least 4 different sources), first write up a complete (roughly 5 page) report on the specific regional cuisine your work group is researching, including favorite spices and flavors, favorite dishes, their origins, and their primary ingredients. Turn this in on Friday, Oct. 7, 2011 in class, in hardcopy. (This will serve as your midterm exam). Be sure to cite your sources! (One report per work group, please!)


1. Wiki.utep.eduAssignment 7: Do Writing Exercises 1 and 3 on p. 200 of Jacob. [Applies to theme / discipline]

2. KTEP report. [Academic success strategies—note taking] [Critical thinking]





For educational purposes only.

Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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