Problem Analysis
The problems with the current webpage are:
· It was not advertised enough.
o The UTEP population was unaware that the website even existed.
o Only one or two bulletins were sent out.
o Usually most people do not pay attention to the bulletins and usually delete them right away.
o Another placed it was advertised was in the COBA computer labs as a screensaver, but it was not advertised long enough.
· Too much information posted.
o It looks tiresome and boring.
o Some of the links are crunched together.
· Not updated regularly.
· Other information posted is of no use to the general public because it pertains only to technical experts in the IT field.
Web page improvements included:
· Advertised it in many places.
o UTEP main page (where faculty/staff/students visit the most)
o Computer labs screensavers
o “UTEP Today” televisions located throughout campus
· It would be updated monthly with new information.
· Advertised for a longer period of time.
o It would eventually catch everyone’s attention.
· Reduced the amount of information posted.
o Too much information on a website because it gives it a busy look.
o Users will start losing interest.
o Eliminated extra or duplicate links that include redundant information.
· Added a section for contests such as “poster contests”.
o This will get everyone enthusiastic to see who can create the best poster for Security Awareness.
We would also like to improve is the number of computer compromises the Information Security Office receives on a monthly basis. Our office receives about 800 alerts from various external or internal sources, or our anti-virus server informing our office of computer infections that have been recorded by:
o Dial-UP
o Wireless
o On-campus computers
By more people visiting the website, we hope the decrease the number to fifty percent or less. We understand that it is nearly impossible to decrease the number to zero, but we hope that by more people visiting our website, they are more informed on how to protect their sensitive data as well as protecting their computer from viruses.