After reading Chapters 3 and 4, use Finale ® music notation software to compose a cantus firmus.
Use the grand staff (select "Piano [No Staff Name]" under "Keyboards").
The cantus firmus must meet the following requirements:
- The cantus firmus is to be four measures in length, in a major key, in common time, using treble clef.
- Use quarter notes, except for half notes at 2.3 and 4.3.
- Leading tones must go up.
Use your cantus firmus in a 1:1 two-voice example, adding a bass voice (in bass clef):
- Use essential intervals only
- Label intervals between the staves (use Finale’s Expression tool, attach expression to “This Staff Only”).
- No parallel fifths or octaves.
- Don’t double the leading tones.
- Use no more than four parallel 3rds (10th) or 6ths (13ths) consecutively.
Use your cantus firmus in a 2:1 two-voice example:
- Label intervals between the staves (use Finale’s Expression tool).
- Use non-harmonic tones (NHTs) on weak beats only.
- Label all NHTs (use Finale’s Expression tool, attach expression to “This Staff Only”).
- Resolve NHTs correctly.
- Use eighth notes in the bass voice, except for half notes at 2.3 and 4.3.
Use Finale’s “Page Setup” tool to remove the empty staff from the cantus firmus.