UTEP Course Syllabus: MUST 3216 Music Theory Seminar: Mozart Concertos and Symphonies
Fall Semester 2007, MW, 1030-1120AM, FFA Room M101

Office:Fox Fine Arts Center, Room M432 Mozart: Piano Concertos 17-22 Mozart: Piano Concertos 23-27 Mozart: Symphonies 35-41
Office Phone:(915) 747-7800
Office Hours:T and R 1100AM-1200PM and 200PM-300PM, or by appointment
Scores: Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos. 17-22 (Required)
Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos. 23-27 (Required)
Mozart: Later Symphonies (Nos. 35-41) (Required)
Prerequisite:MUST 2314 Music Theory IV and MUST 2112 Aural Skills IV
Course Description:An upper level course which exposes the student to a wide variety of traditional and contemporary analytical and compositional topics. Intended for theory/composition majors, but may be taken by all upper level music students. May be taken for graduate credit with the approval of the graduate advisor.
Course Goal:To provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and skills needed for success in a career in music performance, education, or composition.
Course Objective: Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
  • Understand and appreciate the musical forms of the period of common practice which are evident in Mozart's works;
  • Understand and appreciate Mozart's use of chromatic harmony and modulation within those forms;
  • Begin understanding Mozart's musical vocabulary, the melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and formal devices he uses repeatedly;
  • Begin understanding the ingenuity and humor that Mozart consistently incorporates into his music.

Week Dates Topic Assignment Listening Test?
1 August 27, 29 Mozart PC 20 (I, II) 1, 2, Read Syllabus, Send E-mail Mozart PC 20 (I, II) No
2 September 5 Mozart PC 20 (III), 21 (I) 3, 4 Mozart PC 20 (III), 21 (I) No
3 September 10, 12 Mozart PC 21 (II, III) 5, 6 Mozart PC 21 (II, III) No
4 September 17, 19 Mozart PC 23 (I, II) 7, 8 Mozart PC 23 (I, II) No
5 September 24, 26 Review for Midterm 1 None Mozart PC 20 (all), 21 (all), 23 (I, II) Midterm 1
6 October 1, 3 Mozart PC 23 (III), 24 (I) 9, 10 Mozart PC 23 (III), 24 (I) No
7 October 8, 10 Mozart PC 24 (II, III) 11, 12 Mozart PC 24 (II, III) No
8 October 15, 17 Mozart S 39 (I, II) 13, 14 Mozart S 39 (I, II) No
9 October 22, 24 Mozart S 39 (III, IV) 15, 16 Mozart S 39 (III, IV) No
10 October 29, 31 Review for Midterm 2 None Mozart PC 23 (III), 24 (all), S 39 (all) Midterm 2
11 November 5, 7 Mozart S 40 (I, II) 17, 18 Mozart S 40 (I, II) No
12 November 12, 14 Mozart S 40 (III, IV) 19, 20 Mozart S 40 (III, IV) No
13 November 19, 21 Mozart S 41 (I, II) 21, 22 Mozart S 41 (I, II) No
14 November 26, 28 Mozart S 41 (III, IV) 23, 24 Mozart S 41 (III, IV) No
15 December 3, 5 Review for Final None Mozart PC 20, 21, 23, 24, S 39, 40, 41 (all) No
Final December 14 None None None Final

The final grade will be calculated according to the following point values:
Read Syllabus - Send E-mail 25 points 2.5% of final grade
24 Assignments 10 points each 240 points 24% of final grade
Class Attendance and Participation Approximately 11.552 (335/29) points per class 335 points 33.5% of final grade
Midterm Exam 1 100 points 10% of final grade
Midterm Exam 2 100 points 10% of final grade
Final Exam 200 points 20% of final grade
Total Points Possible 1000 points 100% of final grade
Letter grades will be assigned based on the total number of points earned. The instructor may assign a higher (or lower) grade based on the student's effort and rate of improvement throughout the semester. A grade of "W" will be assigned only if a student drops the course before the Course Drop Deadline, which is November 2.
A 900-1000 points 90.0-100.0%
B 800-899 points 80.0-89.9%
C 700-799 points 70.0-79.9%
D 600-699 points 60.0-69.9%
F 0-599 points 0.0-59.9%

The following policies apply to all of Dr. Leinberger's classes:
1) After reading the syllabus and before the end of week three, each student should send an e-mail to CHARLESL@UTEP.EDU acknowledging that the syllabus has been read and is understood.
2) Unexcused absences exceeding 20% (1 out of 5 class meetings) will prevent the student from receiving any extra help outside of class and may lower the student's final grade. Attendance will be taken within the first five minutes of class. If a student arrives to class after attendance has been taken, it is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor of their presence after class. Students arriving after attendance has been taken will receive half of the attendance points for that class meeting. Students attending a section in which they are not enrolled will receive no attendance points.
3) Late assignments may be submitted up to seven calendar days (168 hours) after the original due date for 50% of their original point value. After seven calendar days, late assignments may still be submitted, but for no point value. It is strongly suggested that students keep old assignments and quizzes until after final grades have been submitted. Old assignments, if not picked up by the student in class, will be placed in the tray on the instructor's office door.
4) Students are encouraged to work together on assignments, however, each student must submit written assignments in their own handwriting, in pencil, unless otherwise instructed. Photocopied answers, including answers to assignments discussed in class, are not permitted. Assignments that include photocopied answers will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office for disciplinary action.
5) Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. See "Student Conduct" from the Dean of Students for more information.
6) All electronic devices, including MP3 players, cellular telephones, and pagers, must be turned off or in silent mode during class. Exceptions will be made for parents of small children and expectant fathers.
7) Students may not wear headphones of any kind during class.

The following policies apply to this class:
8) Assignments are due every class meeting at the beginning of class.
9) Some listening will be done in class, but the student is responsible for all listening assignments.
10) The Midterm Exams will be Wednesday, September 26 and Wednesday, October 31, during class.
11) The Final Exam for a MW 10:30 AM class is Friday, December 14 at 10:00 AM. You may not change the day or time of your Final Exam.
12) All of this information is subject to change.

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Music Theory Topics
UTEP Department of Music
This page was updated 23 January 2008.