This Final Project, one of three choices, is to orchestrate your composition for Small (Chamber) Choir (soprano 1, soprano 2, alto 1, alto 2, tenor 1, tenor 2, bass) with piano and solo instrument:
- In Finale 2000 and newer:
- Go to the File menu and select New, select Document With Setup Wizard
- Enter Tile, Composer and Copyright information.
- From the "Choose Parts" or "Select Instruments" dialog box, select "Chorus."
- Select "Soprano," "Alto," "Tenor" and "Bass."
- From the "Choose Parts" dialog box, select "Keyboards."
- Select "Piano."
- From the "Choose Parts" dialog box, select another instrument of your choice for the soloist.
You may choose any instrument, but you must arrange for a performer to play the part.
Trumpet, flugelhorn, flute, violin and xylophone are good choices.
- In Finale 2002 (and maybe in 2001) and newer, make sure the "Score Order:" is set to "Choral."
- Click "Next."
- In Finale 2002 (and maybe in 2001) and newer, Enter Time Signature and Key Signature. Next, specify Tempo and Pickup Measure.
- In older versions of Finale:
- Go to the File menu and select Open (Ctrl+O).
- Find the Templates folder and open it. Find the Choral Templates folder and open it.
- In the Windows "Open" dialog box, under "Files of type:" you must choose "Finale Template File (*.FTM)" or "All Files (*.*)"
- Select "SATB with Piano.ftm"
- Use the Staff tool to add a staff if you want to include a solo instrument. Select the piano staves, and move them down lower on the page and add the solo instrument above the piano. Also use the staff tool to name the new staff and set up its transposition, if any. You may choose any instrument, but you must arrange for a performer to play the part. Trumpet, flugelhorn, flute, violin and xylophone are good choices.
- Use the Key Signature tool to set the key to the same as your composition.
- Use the Meter Signature tool to set the same meter as your composition.
- Use the Measure tool to add measure so that the piece is sixteen measures.
How many additional measures you need varies, depending on your version of
- Use the Text tool to enter the title and your name.
- You may begin by copying and pasting music from your solo and piano version to the choir and piano version using the Mass Mover tool. Finale will adjust for any differences in clefs.
- Layers: You must put soprano 1, alto 1, tenor 1 and bass in Layer 1. Soprano 2, alto 2 and tenor 2 must go in Layer 2. Go to the Options menu, select Document Settings and go to Layer Options. Make sure that Layer 1 will freeze stems and ties up and Adjust Floating Rests by "6" steps only if notes are in other layers. Make sure that Layer 2 will freeze stems and ties down and Adjust Floating Rests by "-6" steps only if notes are in other layers. You do not want the bass stems frozen up, since there will only be notes in Layer 1 of the bass part. These are the default setting and should already be in the template.
- You must find the best way to arrange your work for these voices and instrument(s). Use the Speedy Note tool to make your changes. It would be most effective if you did not use all of the voices and instrument(s) all of the time. Try to vary the texture of your work.
- Use the Lyric tool to enter the lyrics for your piece. You only need to enter one verse for you composition, but you must have lyrics in each voice.
- Finale 2000 and newer can check the ranges of each part to see if they are practical. In some older versions, you need to do this manually. Ranges for voices are listed on pp. 392 of the Kennan/Grantham text.
- Your score must include a title page and be bound. Your score should include the following double sided pages:
- Cover: Clear plastic
- Page 1: Title Page (right)
- Page 2: Blank (left)
- Page 3: First page of score (right)
- Page 4: Second page of score (left)
- Page 5: Third page of score (right)
- Pages 6 and on: Fourth page of your score and on (left, right, etc.)
- Back cover: Cardboard or plastic
- You will need to print multiple copies the score (without title page and binding) and a single copy of the solo instrument part, if any. You should print the following number of copies:
- Score: 8 copies
- Solo Instrument (if any): 1 copy
- Print your score and parts and bring them to class to be performed. Also, submit this assignment on a floppy disk.
- If you need help using Finale, please drop by Dr. Leinberger's office during office hours or make an appointment. Also, some questions can be answered through e-mail.