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Visual Analysis 



 http://fronteras.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/bigdaddybusiness1.gif  By: Justin Bilicki


In this cartoon, Big Daddy Business by Justin Bilicki in 2008 represents how some people are against and others agree with undocumented immigrants coming to the United States. The small man who appears to be a Border Patrol agent says that crossing the border without the proper documents is against the law. This man is telling a undocumented immigrant to stop and go back home because it is illegal to come into the United States with no legal documents or proof of citizenship.

The big man is welcoming the undocumented immigrant into the United States. The big man who appears to be a business man has a job for the undocumented immigrant, therefore, he agrees to undocumented immigrants entering to the United States illegally.



The artist of this cartoon uses very little of logos. One can right away think what the cartoon is about because it clearly demonstrates the undocumented immigrant, business man, and the Border Patrol agent. Although, the cartoon is just in white and black it still gives a message and also because of the detail that is put in.

The dialogue that is presented and the other words like USA and Mexico help understand more what undocumented immigrants go through when crossing the border. It also shows that it is not easy because once one is caught they must go back home.

There is nothing much to say about logos in this cartoon because it has no statistics, numbers or graphs. This cartoon is constructed by three characters which have much to do in a undocumented immigrant's experience crossing the border.



This artist of this cartoon uses some pathos in the sense that the undocumented immigrant looks frightened because he probably does not understand what the Border Patrol agent is saying. The Border Patrol agent has his hand up signaling a stop so that the undocumented immigrant can have an idea that what he is doing is wrong.

The business man shows emotion, excitement and is welcoming the undocumented immigrant into the United States because he has a job for him. The business man says "Come To Daddy!", meaning like he is giving him a warm welcome for the purpose that the undocumented immigrant can feel at home. The undocumented immigrant has his belongings hoping to get through the border and have an opportunity to find success.

The cartoon shows how some are for undocumented immigration and others are not. It clearly shows its representation by their emotions and how their faces are. The Border Patrol is telling the undocumented immigrant to stop and go back home because he is illegal.



The artist Justin Bilicki of this cartoon is a daily editorial cartoonist. He is the 2000 winner of the prestigious Locher Award and his cartoons have appeared on the cover of Congressional Quarterly and inside The Los Angeles Times, New York, Metro, New York Press, San Francisco Examiner, Cincinnati Enquirer. His awards include the following, State News General Managers Award (1999), John Locher Memorial Award (2000), SNAA Journalistic Achievement Award (2001), MSU Creative Award (2001), and Mark Award (2005).



This cartoon by Justin Bilicki represents that the United States is filled with opportunities not present in Mexico, and that many of those that choose to come here just want to find some work, and that there are many businesses waiting for their labor. Everyone has their own opinion and thoughts. Many agree to undocumented immigration while others do not.

This cartoon speaks for it self and explains the thought really well, undocumented immigrants cannot be in the United States if they have no proof of citizenship or legal documentation that authorizes one to be here.