Business Information Sources

Periodical Indexes and Abstracts | Directories and other Publications

PLEASE NOTE: is not an exhaustive list of all the print and electronic business resources in the library.  Ask the business librarian about additional sources of information if the items below are insufficient to meet your research needs. UTEP Library subscribes to the licensed electronic services in this list. Off-campus access (unless otherwise specified) to these resources is available, but is restricted to current UTEP students, staff, and faculty.  

Periodical Indexes and Abstracts:

ACCOUNTING & TAX INDEX -- REF, INDEX  HF 5635 .A28 (1992-)
Formerly ACCOUNTANT'S INDEX. SUPPLEMENT -- REF, INDEX HF 5601 .A2 (1948-1991)
Subject, title and author index to periodical, books, pamphlets and government documents that relate to accounting, auditing, data processing, financial reporting, financial management, investments, securities, and taxation.  Accounting practices for specific industries, businesses, and professions are also covered, as are many general management topics.

BUSINESS & INDUSTRY (Gale) -- Bibliographic index for business and industry literature containing important facts, figures, and key events for international public and private companies, industries, products, and markets for manufacturing and service industries. Subject coverage includes aerospace and defense, agriculture, the automotive industry, building products, chemicals, computers and software, electronics, energy, medicine, mining, pharmaceuticals, and much more. Materials indexed include primary business information sources such as leading trade magazines, newsletters, and the general business press to international business dailies. Some citations include abstracts and links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1994 - present (daily updates).URL:

BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (Gale) -- Bibliographic index for literature about the practical aspects of business management with emphasis on the way organizations make and implement decisions, develop and launch new strategies, and plan for change. Subject coverage includes benchmark planning, best practices, business plans, corporate culture, expansion, long range planning, quality control, reengineering, resources case studies and guidelines, and technology. Materials indexed include business periodicals, trade publications, reports, reviews, and more. Some citations include abstracts and links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1995 - present (weekly updates). URL:

BUSINESS DATELINE (OCLC/FS) -- Bibliographic index for literature describing regional business activities and trends, as well as major stories about local firms, their products, and executives. Subject coverage includes agriculture, company profiles, corporate planning, corporate strategies, executive profiles, financial services, health care, human resources, manufacturing, research and development, and much more. Materials indexed include articles from regional publications, Business Wire press releases, and major newspapers. Most citations include full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1985 - present (weekly updates). URL:

The latest editions to this popular index to business-related periodical articles are located on one of the four tables in front of the Reference desk.  This index is arranged alphabetically by subject.  References to articles on specific companies may often be located by treating the company name as the subject.  Approximately 300 periodicals are indexed.

BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (EBSCO) -- Comprehensive bibliographic index for business literature worldwide, including management, marketing, management of information systems (MIS), production and operations management (POM), economics, finance, econometrics, accounting, international business, and other areas. Materials indexed include scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books and book digests, newspapers, monographs, magazines, conference proceedings, case studies, reference works, industry reports, country economic reports, detailed company profiles and financial data, investment and market research reports, industry reports, SWOT analyses, and more. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1886 - present (updated daily). NOTE: For an easier way to browse and search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information, and market research, try the Enhanced Business Searching Interface (BSI) (EBSCO). URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bth

COMPUTER SCIENCE INDEX (EBSCO) - Provides indexing and abstracting for selected literature derived from academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources in computer science and related areas of study. Subject coverage includes artificial intelligence, expert systems, system design, data structures, computer theory, computer systems and architecture, software engineering, human-computer interaction, new technologies, social and professional context, and much more. Publications indexed are primarily scholarly journals and books. Some citations include full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: mid-1960s - present. URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=ckh

COMPUTER SOURCE (EBSCO) - Provides indexing and abstracts for literature dealing with information and current trends in computer technology. Subject coverage includes computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software. Materials indexed include scholarly journals, books, and leading general magazines. Many citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1985 - present.  URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=cph

DARTS (Depository to Access Reports, Technical & Scientific) (NTIS/GPO) - The DARTS database is a cooperative pilot project of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and the Government Printing Office (GPO) under the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). It provides bibliographic indexing and abstracts for U.S. government-sponsored research and worldwide scientific, technical, governmental, engineering, and business-related information. Subject coverage includes physics, chemistry, and environmental science, as well as the health, behavioral, and social sciences. Source publications include unclassified and publicly available information from research reports, journal articles, data files, computer programs, and audio visual products from U.S. Federal agencies as well as from some international government departments and organizations. Some citations include links to full text content, based on availability from the NTIS data storage and retrieval system. Coverage: 1964-2000. NOTE: Access to this product is available to anyone but is limited to 30 computers at a time within the UTEP Library only. A username and password (restricted) are required to login. Ask at the Reference or Media & Microforms service desks for assistance. Free public access is provided under the FDLP. See also: NTIS (National Technical Information Service) (CSA).URL:  

DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS (DOAJ) -- Provides indexing, abstracting, and free full text access for selected international scholarly journals in many subject areas, including agriculture and food science, biology, chemistry, health science, languages and literature, mathematics, physics, engineering, the arts, business, environmental science, history, law, political science, philosophy, religion, and social science. Coverage varies by title (updated continuously). URL:

ECONLIT (FirstSearch) -- Bibliographic index for international literature concerning economics. Subject coverage is comprehensive, including categories such as: teaching; thought and methodology; mathematical and quantitative methods; microeconomics; macroeconomics; health, education, and welfare; labor and demographics; law; industry; business administration; development, change, and growth; agricultural and natural resources; and many more. Materials indexed include journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, book reviews, and abstracts of working papers in economics. Some citations include abstracts and links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1969 - present (monthly updates).  URL:

ECONOMIA y NEGOCIOS (EBSCO) - Produced in collaboration with the Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados (ESAN), this bibliographic index provides citations to Spanish language literature pertaining to economics and business. Publications indexed include Spanish and Portuguese-language periodicals published in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, the United States, and elsewhere. Some citations link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: early 1980s - present. URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=agh

EMERALD FULLTEXT -- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for Emerald/MCB University Press, Ltd. journals. Some articles link to full text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes management disciplines in the following categories: marketing, finance, human resources, library and information science, economics, engineering, training, quality, operations, production, and education. Coverage: 1967 - present (overall); full text available from 1994 - present (varies by title).  URL:

ENGINEERING VILLAGE 2 (Compendex) - Comprehensive index for engineering and applied science literature from journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports. Includes abstracts and links to some full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1970 - present (updated weekly). Provides access to two independently searchable sources for patents: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) full text/full image databases and esp@acenet for patents (some full text) produced by national patent offices in Europe, the European Patent Office (EPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and Japan.  URL:

Current Issues Retained Until Annual Cumulation is Received
F&S Index: United States (formally Predicast's F&S Index: United States) indexes periodical and newspaper articles from over 750 business-oriented publications.  You can locate information on companies, corporate acquisitions and mergers, industries, new products, technological developments, and social and political factors affecting business.  Each annual is composed of two volumes, Volume One is arranged by major industry group using a modified Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).  Volume Two is alphabetically arranged by the names of companies.  The first and last sections in Volume One contains references to periodical and newspaper articles dealing with U. S. population characteristics, the labor force, employment, national income and expenditures, gross national product, sales, and imports and exports.  A companion series is F&S Index: International (formally Predicasts F&S Index: International.)

ICPSR DIRECT (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) - Provides access to a comprehensive online archive of social science research data. Subject coverage ranges from political science, sociology, and criminal justice to economics, education, health science, and psychology. A data use tutorial is provided. NOTE: Access is restricted to current UTEP faculty, staff, and students only. Data must not be shared with anyone other than current UTEP faculty, staff, and students. Authorized users will need to create a "MyData" account in order to download data files. The ICPSR Codebooks will be available via Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog, in the near future. URL: 

IEEE Xplore - Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full text for IEEE and IEE publications, including transactions, journals, magazines, and conference proceedings as well as current IEEE Standards via the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) Online. Full text access is based on institutional licensing. Coverage: 1950 - present (varies by title).  URL:

INSPEC (EBSCO) - Created by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), INSPEC provides comprehensive bibliographic indexing for international literature in science and technology core subject areas such as physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, and information technology. Includes significant coverage of related disciplines such as materials science, oceanography, nuclear engineering, geophysics, biomedical engineering, and more. Publications indexed include journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and technical reports. Citations include abstracts and some include links to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1966 - present (updated annually).  URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=inh

INTERNET AND PERSONAL COMPUTING ABSTRACTS (IPCA) (EBSCO) - Provides indexing and abstracting for selected literature related to personal computing products and developments in business, the Internet, the home, and all other applied areas. Subject coverage includes Macintosh and Windows platforms, programming, web development, and more. Materials indexed are predominantly articles from trade publications, mainstream computer magazines, and professional journals as well as hardware and software reviews. Some citations include full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1980s - present.  URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=iqh

ISI JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS - Unique journal evaluation resource tool that provides statistical information based on citation data drawn from a wide range of international scholarly and technical journals tracked in ISI Web of Science. Subject coverage includes virtually all subdisciplines in the areas of science, technology, and the social sciences. Statistical data provided includes impact factor (relative importance to others in the same field), immediacy (citation frequency), article counts, cited half-life (benchmarking by age of cited articles), and source data (review articles versus original research articles). Coverage: 2003 - present (updated annually).   URL:

ISI WEB OF SCIENCE - Provides access to Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Includes a broad selection of prestigious, high impact research journals. Provides cited reference searching and links to some full text electronic journal articles, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1975 - present (updated weekly). Note: It may be helpful to use CiteSeer.IST: Scientific Literature Digital Library as well as ISI Web of Science, when performing a citation search of the computer science literature.  URL:

JSTOR -- Provides complete full text access to an archive of back issues of selected scholarly journals grouped into the following broad subject collections: Arts & Sciences (I & II), General Science, Ecology & Botany, Languages & Literature, and Business. Subject coverage includes: African Studies, anthropology, archaeology, Asian Studies, classical studies, economics, education, finance, geography, history, Latin American Studies, mathematics, Middle East Studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, and statistics. Coverage varies by title, ranging from a journal's first volume/issue to 3-5 years from the present. Some titles include links to more recent content available via Project MUSE.  URL:

LEXIS-NEXIS ACADEMIC -- Provides access to full text documents from a wide variety of news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications. Sources include: national, regional, and international newspapers; wire services; broadcast transcripts; non-English language sources; U.S. Federal and state case law; codes and regulations; legal news; law reviews; international legal information; Shepard's® Citations for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to 1789; business news journals; company financial information; and SEC filings and reports as well as industry and market news. Coverage and updates vary by title and document type. URL:

MASTERFILE PREMIER (EBSCO) - Multidisciplinary bibliographic index for periodical literature dealing with business, education, health, science, multicultural issues, reference, and more. Materials indexed include reference and travel books, biographies, book reviews, primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags. Includes the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition. Citations include abstracts and some full text or links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1975 - present (updated daily).   URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=f5h

NTIS (National Technical Information Service) (CSA) - Provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts for U.S. government-sponsored research and worldwide scientific, technical, governmental, engineering, and business-related information. Source publications include unclassified and publicly available information from research reports, journal articles, data files, computer programs, and audio visual products from U.S. Federal agencies as well as from some international government departments and organizations. Coverage: 1964 - present (biweekly updates). See also: DARTS (Depository to Access Reports, Technical & Scientific) (NTIS/GPO). URL:

PAIS ARCHIVE (CSA) - A retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, Volumes 1-62, published between 1915-1976, this bibliographic index is a supplement to PAIS International (CSA). Subject coverage includes international literature dealing with public and social issues as well as the making and evaluation of public policy. Materials indexed include selected journal and periodical articles, books, monographs, book chapters, notes, announcements, and analytics. Some citations include brief abstracts. Coverage: 1915-1976.  URL:

PAIS INTERNATIONAL (CSA) - A bibliographic index with abstracts covering the full range of political, social, and public policy issues in the following areas: economics, business, health care, finance, law, international trade and relations, public administration, government, and political science. Materials indexed include selected journal articles, books, statistics, yearbooks, directories, conference proceedings, pamphlets, reports, government documents, Internet resources, and microfiche. Some citations provide links to full text content based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1972 - present (updated monthly). See also: PAIS Archive (CSA).  URL:

PERIODICALS ARCHIVE ONLINE (ProQuest) - Provides indexing for as well as full text/full image access to an archive of scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. International subject coverage includes anthropology, Black Studies, business and management, economics, education, fine arts, geography, history, law, languages and literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion and theology, sociology, and Women's Studies. Some citations include links to full text content available through JSTOR. Coverage ranges from 1770 to 1995 overall; varies by title (annual updates).  URL:

PORTAL: THE ACM DIGITAL lIBRARY - Provides access to full text journals, magazines, transactions, newsletters, and proceedings along with Special Interest Group (SIG) proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Full text access is also provided to select publications by affiliated organizations. Some citations include abstracts. Bibliographic citations only are provided for older volumes/issues of the ACM and SIG newsletters. Coverage: 1947 - present (varies by title). URL:  

REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS (EBSCO) - Comprehensive bibliographic index for regional business publications from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Subject coverage includes a variety of topics under the general category of business. Materials indexed include business journals, newspapers, and newswires. Citations include abstracts and some include full text or links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions. Updated daily. URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bwh

SCIENCE DIRECT -- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for Elsevier Science journals. Some articles link to full text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes biology, chemistry, business, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, materials science, computer science, medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and physics. Coverage varies by title, ranging from 1951 - present (overall); the bulk ranges from 1995 - present. URL:

SCIENCE ONLINE - gives you access to the contents of Science Magazine which is a leading journal on scientific research.  URL:

SPRINGER LINK -- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for journals published by Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic, Birkhäuser Verlag, Brill Academic, and other selected publishers on the MetaPress platform. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Multidisciplinary subject coverage includes arts and humanities, astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, education, electrical engineering, environmental science, geology, law, materials science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, and the social sciences. Full text content varies by publisher and title, ranging from 1996 - present (overall). Bibliographic citations and abstracts only may be viewed for historical content (prior to 1996). NOTE: SpringerLink includes all subscribed content from Kluwer Online. URL:

VOCATIONAL & CAREER COLLECTION (EBSCO) - Bibliographic index designed for vocational and technical libraries servicing high schools, community colleges, trade institutions, and public libraries. Materials indexed include a variety of trade and industry related periodicals as well as academic journals. Some citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. URL:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=voh

WALL STREET JOURNAL (1984 - Present) (ProQuest) - Bibliographic database that provides indexing, abstracts, and complete full text for articles from the Eastern edition of the Wall Street Journal. Primary subject coverage focuses on business and finance topics pertaining to companies, people, products, and geographic areas. Additional coverage is given to the arts, sports, and popular culture. Items indexed include top news stories, editorials, editorial cartoons, and letters to the editor. Coverage: 1984 - present (updated daily).  URL:

WILEY INTER SCIENCE -- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for John Wiley & Sons, Inc. journals. Some articles link to full text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes business, chemistry, computer science, earth science, education, engineering, law, biology, medicine, mathematics, physics, and psychology. Coverage varies by title, ranging from 1946 - present (overall); the bulk ranges from 1996 - present.  URL:

Directories and Other Publications:

Two volumes, continuously updated.  A loose-leaf service which reproduces the accounting pronouncements issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Volume 1 contains standards which are generally applicable to all business enterprises.  Volume 2 contains specialized standards that are applicable to enterprises operating in specific industries.

ALMANAC OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL RATIOS -- REF  HF 5681 .R25 T68 (Current edition at the Reference Desk)  Provides industry-wide financial ratios which can be used as the basis of comparison with the financial data found elsewhere on specific companies. Similar in purpose to Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios and Annual Statement Studies. For financial information on specific companies see Compact Disclosure and Moody's Manuals.

AMERICAN BIG BUSINESSES DIRECTORY --  REF HF 5035.A49 (1999)  Over 193,000 organizations with 100 or more employees.  Includes number of employees, annual sales volume, credit rating codes, and the names and titles of 703,000 key executives. 

Over 166,000  organizations with 20 or more employees.  Includes number of employees, annual sales volume and credit code.   Organized by company name, by city and by standard industrial classification.

BEST'S LIBRARY CENTER --Fully-integrated resource that provides full text online access to comprehensive insurance information published by A.M. Best. Includes in-depth reports on U.S. and Canadian insurance companies, reinsurers, and groups. Reports include financial data, ratings, and expert analysis of individual insurance companies, ranging from the company's credit rating and corporate structure to operating methods and management philosophy. Coverage: 25 years of rating history and historical archive of AMB Credit Reports. Updates: Annual financial data is published in the first quarter with quarterly updates; ratings and reports are updated in real-time. NOTE: UTEP's subscribed publications include: Best's Insurance Reports - Online: Property/Casualty (U.S. & Canada) and Life/Health (U.S. & Canada), and Best's Review. URL:

BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS, AGENCIES, AND PUBLICATIONS DIRECTORY (FirstSearch) -- Directory of organizations and trade associations that serve business and industry. Most records include abstracts that provide descriptive information about an organization's products and services, founding date, membership size, and publications. Coverage: Current year (annual updates).  URL:

CCH RESEARCH NETWORK (Health & Human Resources) -- Provides full text information regarding human resources management, payroll, pension/benefits, employment law, and workers' compensation and safety.  URL:

CCH TAX RESEARCH NETWORK -- Full text access to the CCH Group's leading publications in accounting. Includes federal, state, and international tax information. URL:

COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS (CSA) - Provides authoritative information about more than one million scholars and their organizations around the world. Includes faculty at four-year universities in Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Records include verified institutional affiliation, department, area of study, co-authors, publication and contact information, and links to related web sites (as available). Updated monthly.  URL:

COMPLETE TWIN PLANT GUIDE ONLINE (SOLUNET: INFO-MEX)  -- Online directory of companies making up Mexico's maquiladora manufacturing industry. Companies listed include contract manufacturers, shelter operators, and manufacturing plants. Information profiles include parent companies and border offices. Updated quarterly. NOTE: Access to this product is available to anyone but is limited to one user at a time from within the UTEP Library only. A username and password (restricted) are required to login. Ask at the Reference Desk for assistance.  URL:

COS FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES (CSA) - Comprehensive database of currently available opportunities for grants, fellowships, prizes and other types of funding for recipients around the world working in any discipline. Sponsors come from both the public and private sector, including local, state and national governments, foundations and societies, and corporations. Records include a general abstract as well as information on deadlines, amount of award, eligibility criteria, and contact information for the sponsoring organization. Updated daily. NOTE: This product and some of its features are also accessible on its original platform, developed by the Community of Science (COS).  URL:

CRSP/COMPUSTAT Merged Database (CCM) -- Provides access to Standard & Poor's COMPUSTAT fundamental financial information and CRSP's U.S. stock data via the CRSPLink, a device that maps the permanent, unique identifiers of both organizations and allows for a seamless time series examination of companies and securities. NOTE: Use is restricted to current UTEP faculty, staff, and students on campus only. Access within the Library is limited to designated computers in the Library Technology Center (LTC). Requires special set-up and installation. Guides, release notes, presentations, and tutorials are available at CRSP's documentation page. Contact Lilia Fernandez, Business Reference Librarian, at (915) 747-6716, for consultation by appointment only. This product is funded by the College of Business Administration (COBA).

Subtitle for this work: America's Leading Public & Private Companies. Information on privately owned companies is often hard to find.  This multi-volume work contains information on approximately 160,000 U. S. businesses that have an indicated tangible net worth of more than $500,000. Three of the volumes list the companies alphabetically; the fourth and fifth volumes cross reference businesses geographically and by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).  See also Directory of Leading Private Companies, Including Corporate Affiliations.

DigitalCommons @ UTEP - Preserves, organizes, and provides access to UTEP's Institutional Repository (IR) or online archive of research and scholarship of various types across all colleges, departments, and programs.  Materials indexed include working papers, journal articles, conference papers, UTEP's dissertations and theses, photographic collections, and more.  All items posted are full text or full image.  Access to the full text of some items is based on institutional subscriptions and may require an additional login, available to authorized users only.  Coverage: 1942 - present (updates vary).  NOTE: UTEP students, faculty, and staff who want to access licensed content in this product from off campus, click here to login.  DigitalCommons @ UTEP (ProQuest) includes all of UTEP's Master's theses and doctoral dissertations in online format as found in Dissertations & Theses @ University of Texas - El Paso (ProQuest) and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses - Full Text (ProQuest).  To locate printed or microfilm copies of theses and dissertations for UTEP, check Nugget, the UTEP Library Catalog. URL:

EDGAR (SEC Filings & Forms) -- EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  URL:

EndNote Web -- Web-based bibliographic management tool designed to help with the process of writing a research paper.  Its uses include: 1) storing and organizing references, 2) searching other Thomson products, PubMed, and library catalogs directly, 3) importing references from other online bibliographic databases, 4) formatting research papers and bibliographies, and 5) sharing EndNote Web folders for easier collaboration.  Compatible with EndNote and other desktop writing tools.  A valid UTEP e-mail address and password are needed to create an account.  NOTE: The Cite While You Write plug-in for Microsoft Word is required to instantly insert bibliographic references into research papers.  This product can also be accessed via the ISI Web of Knowledge platform.  For assistance with this resource, contact Debjani Mukhopadhyay, Engineering Reference Librarian, at (915) 747-6715. URL:

FEDERAL TAX COORDINATOR 2d (RIA) --  LAW  KF 6285 .F29 (Online access also available via RIA Checkpoint)
UNITED STATES TAX REPORTER (RIA)  -- LAW  KF 6285 .P74 [Formerly PRENTICE-HALL FEDERAL TAXES Main  HJ 3251.A39 P7] (also via RIA Checkpoint)
STANDARD FEDERAL TAX REPORTER (Commerce Clearing House) --  MAIN  KF 6301 .A4  (also via CCH Tax Research Network) 
The Federal Tax Coordinator 2d (RIA) is a loose-leaf series arranged by subject area. It contains the same information as Prentice-Hall Federal Taxes, United States Tax Reporter, and Standard Federal Tax Reporter.  The United States Tax Reporter (RIA) and the Standard Federal Tax Reporter (CCH) are organized by Code section. The volumes are called compilations because they provide an editor's explanation and evaluation of the Code section compiled with its recent committee reports, Regulations, and annotations of related court cases and administrative rulings.  CCH also includes as part of the Standard Federal Tax Reports two separate volumes containing just the Internal Revenue Code and a two-volume citator series. While RIA also includes a two-volume Internal Revenue Code, its multivolume citator series is available as a separate service. Legal research guides such as West's Federal Tax Research (available online via NetLibrary database) and Research in Federal Taxation (Main KF 241 .T38 R47 1988) can help explain these services.

Start here if you have almost any question about the U. S. financial system and markets; security analysis, pricing and portfolio management; short-term and long-term financial management; and company financial policy (mergers, dividend policy, pensions, bankruptcy).  The last section of this work examines the international financial markets; international banking; foreign exchange markets and currency risk; financial decisions for multinational corporations. Part VII includes a discussion of the evolution of the international monetary system.

HOOVER'S HANDBOOK OF  PRIVATE COMPANIES -- REF HG 4057 .A28616 (Current edition at the Reference Desk)
HOOVER'S HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN BUSINESS --  REF HG 4057 .A2862 (Current edition at the Reference Desk)
HOOVER'S HANDBOOK OF WORLD BUSINESS  --  REF HG 4009 .H66 (Current edition at the Reference Desk)
HOOVER'S HANDBOOK OF EMERGING COMPANIES --  REF HG 4057 .A28618 (Current issue at the Reference Desk)
Hoover's Handbook of Private Companies contains profiles of 500 major U.S. private enterprises, with full page summaries of the 125 Leading Private Companies.  Hoover's Handbook of American Business contains profiles of over 500 major U.S. companies, both public and private.  Information on each company is presented in concise, two page summaries which contain an overview of the company, history, location, brief financials, directors names, and a list of key competitors in the industry.  Hoover's Handbook of World Business contains profiles of 300 international companies.

INDUSTRY NORMS AND KEY BUSINESS RATIOS -- REF  HF 5681 .R25 1525 (Current edition at Reference Desk)  
Composite financial information for over 800 different lines of business. Arranged by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and based on data collected by Dun & Bradstreet. The normative financial data obtained from this work can be used as a standard of comparison for the financial data of a specific company. See also Annual Statement Studies and Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios.

INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF COMPANY HISTORIES --  REF HD 2721 .I63 A 24 volume, and growing, set devoted to the history of companies worldwide. Includes information on both public and private companies. (Also available online via Gale Virtual Reference Library (Gale)   

INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL STATISTICS ONLINE - Online version of the printed edition of International Financial Statistics. Contains time series data covering more than 200 countries and areas. Includes all series appearing on the Country pages, exchange rate series for all Fund member countries, major Fund accounts series, and most other world, area, and country series from the World Tables. Country, World, and Commodity Prices Tables, as presented in the monthly printed edition, are available as selection options. The Economic Concept View provides a cross-country view of the concepts by individual or groups of countries. Updated monthly. URL:

LEXIS-NEXIS STATISTICAL (PowerTables Base Edition)  -- Provides access to statistics produced by the U.S. government, major international intergovernmental organizations, professional and trade organizations, commercial publishers, independent research organizations, state government agencies, and universities. Citations include links to tables and full text government publications. Coverage and updates vary. URL:

Includes accumulation of weekly reports issued online as: Moody's bank & finance news reports (Online); Moody's industrial news reports (Online); Moody's OTC industrial news reports (Online); Moody's OTC unlisted news reports (Online); Moody's public utility news reports (Online); Moody's transportation news reports (Online); and Moody's call notices, the WEB address is: Updates: Moody's bank & finance manual, Moody's industrial manual, Moody's OTC industrial manual, Moody's OTC unlisted manual, Moody's public utility manual, and Moody's transportation manual.  

MERGENT ONLINE -- Provides comprehensive coverage for global business and financial research. Includes current and archival data for both active and inactive U.S. and non-U.S. public companies. Detailed company information includes corporate histories, annual reports, financial statements, property, joint ventures, subsidiaries, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, executives, long-term debt, capital stock, ratios, and bond ratings. Also includes news headlines, SEC (EDGAR) filings for U.S. public companies, and country statistical profiles. Also available in print. The OT Unlisted Companies are not available in print but are duplicated 100% online. See description below for amount duplicated online.  URL:

Mergent Bank & Finance Manual (REF  HG 4961 .M65) - 70% of this information is duplicated onlineThe other 30% that is not online is for non-public entities such as private savings and loan, mutual funds, unit investment trusts, etc.
Mergent International Manual  (REF  HG 4009 .M66) - most of the information is duplicated online. 
Mergent OTC Manual (REF  HG 4961 .M7237) - completely duplicated online          
Mergent OT Unlisted Companies - completely duplicated online; not available in print.
Mergent Public Utility Manual  (REF  HG 4961 .M7245) - 70% of this information is duplicated onlineThe other 30% that is not online is for non-public entities such as private savings and loan, mutual funds, unit investment trusts, etc.
Mergent Transportation Manual (REF  HG 4971 .M741) - 70% of this information is duplicated onlineThe other 30% that is not online is for non-public entities such as private savings and loan, mutual funds, unit investment trusts, etc.
Mergent Industrial Manual  (REF  HG 961.M6) - completely duplicated online because all the companies in these manuals are public. 
Mergent Municipal & Government  Manual  ( REF HG 4931 .M6) - provides information on loan programs and debt instruments such as treasury bills and federal, state and local bond issues.  The financial condition of the U. S. Government, the states, and municipalities is also analyzed. Only available in print.  
Mergent Unit Investment Trusts ( REF HG 4931 .M6) - only available in print  
Mergent Dividend Record (REF HG4905 .M79) - completely incorporated online but not in the same format as in print.  
Mergent Bond Record ( REF HG4905 .M78 ) - completely incorporated online but not in the same format as in print.   
Mergent's Handbook of Common Stocks ( REF HG4501 .M59) - completely incorporated online but not in the same format as in print.   
Mergent's Dividend Achievers ( REF HG4050 .M66) - completely incorporated online but not in the same format as in print. 

The first six Moody's Manuals listed above provide current and historical data on approximately 22,000 large corporations, financial institutions, and public utility companies.  Moody's Industrial Manual is the one most often used. It covers industrial companies traded on the New York, American and regional stock exchanges.  Each company listing usually includes history and background, a description of the business, a list of subsidiaries, and names of the titles of the officers and directors. Statistical information includes income, accounts, financial and operating data, as well as long-term debts and capital stock.  

Selected by Choice magazine in 1988 as "Outstanding Academic Book." Library Journal selected it "Best Reference Book 1987" and Book list chose it as the outstanding reference source in 1988.  This four-volume work covers most aspects of economics: theories, facts, methods of analysis, and institutions.  It includes 655 biographies of economists past and present.  Each subject entry concludes with a helpful bibliography.

NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, UNITED STATES -- REF DESK HF1042 .N67 2002.  Developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Includes tables showing correspondence between NAICS and SIC. Online These codes are more specific and up to date.  Continues STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION MANUAL REF  HF 1042 .S73 (1987) and PREX 2.6/2: In 27/987- From OSHA/NTIS a 4-digit classification for industries now replaced by NAICS. Industries and descriptions searchable by keyword. Online at

A unique collection of chronologies for over 1,150 of the most significant corporations currently operating in the U.S. and abroad.  Coverage is balanced between major established industrial and commercial giants such as Toyota Motor Corp. and distinguished newcomers like Ben and Jerry's Homemade Inc.  Each timeline lists and briefly describes 30 or more key dates that mark the major events in each corporation's life story. A Further Reading list is included at the end of each chronology.

OXFORD REFERENCE ONLINE - Premium (OUP) - Provides complete full text access to a comprehensive collection of dictionary, language, and subject reference works, including the entire Oxford Companions series and the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Subject coverage includes art and architecture, biological sciences, business and economics, classical studies, computing, earth and environmental sciences, history, humanities, law, literature, medicine, folklore and mythology, performing arts, physical sciences and mathematics, politics and social science, as well as religion and philosophy. Includes both English language and bilingual dictionaries. Updated three times per year. URL:

PapersInvited (CSA) - Comprehensive database of calls for papers and posters issued by academic and professional conferences or publications across all subject disciplines. Assists scientists, corporate researchers, faculty, and students with tracking calls for papers from various professional organizations, universities, and academic journals. Useful for academic and research constituency who want to keep abreast of and contribute to the latest developments by attending conferences to present and publish papers. Includes a listing of student competitions (bachelor's level and above). UTEP faculty, staff, and students may set up free personalized accounts. URL:

In addition to state and metropolitan area maps, this Rand McNally work provides economic, demographic, and other potentially helpful marketing information.  The statistical information is arranged in various ways: by states, counties,  and Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Information is arranged by population, number of households, per capita income, buying power, retail sales, and passenger car registration.

RefWorks (CSA) -- If you need help with organizing your bibliographic references or formatting your next research paper, try this online citation manager. RefWorks can be used to create and organize a personalized database of bibliographic references imported from text files or online databases. It formats both references and manuscript into various writing styles, such as MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, IEEE, and more. Microsoft Word and MS Internet Explorer users can insert cited references directly into their manuscripts by using Write-N-Cite. Just create a login name and password to begin using RefWorks. Please click here if you need help getting started. NOTE: A valid UTEP e-mail address ( is required for all new accounts.

RIA Checkpoint -- Provides full text access to an integrated library of federal, state, and local tax research materials. Subject coverage includes federal and state tax law, expert analyses, practitioner insights, tax-related news, tax cases, practice aids, alerts, and tax treaties as well as revenue procedures and rulings. Includes the following RIA publications: Federal Tax Coordinator, U.S. Tax Reporter, Citator 2nd, Tax Court, Estate and Gift Taxes, Journal of Taxation, Practical Tax Strategies, and Journal of Corporate Taxation. Coverage varies by title or collection, ranging from 1860 - present (overall).  URL:

RIA Checkpoint: WG&L Financial Reporting & Management: AICPA/FASB/GASB (Thomson RIA) -- Provides complete full text access to the following WG&L Financial Reporting & Management libraries: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' (AICPA) publications, including Professional Standards, Technical Practice Aids, Audit and Accounting Guides, and Audit Risk Alerts; Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) publications, including Original Pronouncements, Current Text, Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Abstracts, Staff Implementation Guides, and a Topical Index; Governmental Accounting Standards Board's (GASB) publications, including Original Pronouncements, Technical Bulletins, National Council on Governmental Accounting (NCGA) Statements and Interpretations, Implementation Guides, and a Topical Index.  URL:

RMA ANNUAL STATEMENT STUDIES -- REF  HF 5681 .B2 A66 (Current edition at the Ref Desk)  
Also known as RMA Annual Statement Studies. Provides industry norms and ratios.  There is no information on specific companies. It is often necessary to compare a particular company's financial performance with the industry norm.  This annual will provide the industry norm. See also Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios and Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios.

STANDARD & POOR'S CORPORATION  RECORDS --  REF HG 4921 .S62 C67  Loose-leaf service updated biweekly  Up-to-date information on approximately 11,000 publicly held corporations: corporate background, subsidiaries, officers, stock data, earnings and finances.  Financial information from the company's annual report is usually included.  For each company "The Company President's Annual Letter to the Stockholders" is often included.

STANDARD & POOR'S INDUSTRY SURVEYS --  REF  HC 106.6 .S74 (Current edition at Reference Desk)  
Organized by Standard & Poor's analysts, this resource examines the prospects of particular industries: the trends, the problems, and gives an historical perspective.  For each industry a comparative company analysis will compare the growth in sales and earnings of the leading companies in that industry and will track the profit margins, dividends, and price-earnings ratios over a five-year span.  See also U. S. Industrial Outlook.

A three-volume annual.  Volume 1 lists alphabetically by company name approximately 45,000 businesses.  Each listing includes company name, address and telephone numbers; names and titles of principal officers; names of the company's primary accounting, bank, and law firms; a description of and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for the company's major products and/or services; and, if available, the annual sales and number of employees. If the company is publicly held, the exchanges on which the company's stock is traded is also shown.  Volume 2 contains biographical information on the company's officers, directors, and trustees.  Volume 3 arranges the companies by SIC and by geographical location.  It lists subsidiaries, each followed by the name of the parent company. See also Million Dollar Directory, Thomas Register, and Who Owns Whom.

STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION MANUAL REF  HF 1042 .S73 (1987) and PREX 2.6/2: In 27/987- From OSHA/NTIS a 4-digit classification for industries now replaced by NAICS (see description under NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, UNITED STATES). Industries and descriptions searchable by keyword. Online at

STAT-USA Internet  --  A service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, this integrated site provides authoritative information regarding both U.S. and international business, economy, and trade from three full text databases: State of the Nation (SOTN) includes current and historical U.S. economic data and financial releases; GLOBUS (Global Business Opportunities) offers daily leads from the Trade Opportunities Program (TOPS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture as well as daily procurement activity from the Defense Logistics Agency, the United Nations, and the Commerce Business Daily; and the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) provides access to Country Commercial Guides, Market Research Reports, Best Market Reports and other programs as well as the International Trade Library.  URL:

STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES --  GovDocs Federal C 3.134/7:  (Current edition at Ref Desk)  
Probably the most useful one-volume statistical source for U.S. industrial, social, political, and economic statistics. It is published by the U. S. Bureau of the Census but the  statistics collected come from over 220 different government and private agencies.  The sources from which the statistics are derived is indicated below each chart or data group.

Directory of 500,000 manufacturers and distributors from 22 countries, classified by 10,500 products and services categories. In this directory Thomas publishing has combined its databases of company and product information from the US, Canada, Europe, and Mexico and created this global directory available in 6 languages. Future plans include making this directory will be available in Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese and will include companies from Asia. You must register the first time and remember your ID.  URL:

This 33-volume set provides information on American manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers.  Arrangement is in three parts. The first group of volumes comprise the "Products and Services" section (volumes. 1-22).  Here companies are grouped by product and then by state and city.  The second section (volumes 23-24) lists alphabetically more than 123,000 companies.  Generally only company name, address, telephone number, and the types of products with which the company is involved are provided in this section.  The third section (volumes 25-33) is the Catalog file, and contains the catalogs of manufactures. Also available online: THOMAS REGISTER OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS -- Most, if not all, of the information on over 155,000 manufacturers that is available in the print volumes, is available here. You must register the first time and remember your ID.

Directory of over 180,0000 manufacturers, distributors and industrial suppliers from 17 European countries, organized by 10,000 industrial product classification and services categories. Information available in 6 languages. You must register the first time and remember your ID.

Published by the Department of Commerce, this work presents projections and current and historical statistics for over 350 major U.S. industries. The term "industries" is broadly defined; the work includes discussions of such "lines of business" as equipment leasing; travel services; information services; and management, consulting, and public relations services. No specific company names are mentioned.  You will probably find the introductory sections "How to Get the Most Out of this Book" and "Economic Assumptions Underlying the Outlook" most helpful.  See also Industry Surveys.

U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE ( - Provides access to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) comprehensive patent and trademark bibliographic databases. Full-page image patents issued from 1790 - 1975 are searchable by patent number and current U.S. classifications only. The USPTO's full text-searchable patent database begins with patents granted from 1976 onward. A browser plug-in is required to view patent full-page images. Pending and registered trademarks can be searched via the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).  Check also the UTEP Library's Patent/Trademark Webpage Guide.

USA Trade Online -- Prepared by the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, this product provides access to U.S. import and export trade statistics for more than 18,000 commodities worldwide. Data is presented according to the Harmonized Tariff Classification System. Dates of coverage include current and previous month, cumulative year-to-date (current year and prior year), as well as annual two-year and ten-year historical data. Updated monthly. Note: Access is available to UTEP faculty, staff, students, and community users from two designated computers within the Library's Reference/Documents department only. A username and password are required. Ask at the Reference Desk for assistance.  URL:

THE VALUE LINE INVESTMENT SURVEY --  REF DESK HG 4501 .V26 (Current 13 Issues Kept Only)   
Provides information on the investment outlook of specific stocks, companies and industries.  Value Line Investment Survey ranks the stocks for investment safety, probable price performance and yield in the next 12 months.  There are tables showing best and worst performing stocks, stocks with high three-to-five year appreciation potential, high yielding stocks, and lists of the companies whose stocks have been rated highest for safety and performance.    

A "parent" company is defined as one which has subsidiaries and which is not controlled by any other company. Who Owns Whom: North America is very helpful when you are trying to determine if one company is owned by another company.  The first section of this work lists parent companies in the United States. Section Two lists Canadian parent companies. Section Three lists parent companies registered outside the U.S. and Canada which have subsidiaries within the United States and/or Canada.  Section Four lists all subsidiaries in alphabetical order, with parent companies identified.

WORLD DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS (CD-ROM) - The CD-ROM contains time-series indicators for countries and country groups, from 1960 to the present. Includes country tables covering specialized topics such as social and economic indicators, education, and population projections. Provides the full contents of the World Development Indicators book (current edition available the Reference Desk), as well as some quick reference tables on GNI per capita, country classifications, and more. Also provides mapping, charting, and data export capabilities. Updated annually. Note: Access to this product is available on one designated computer within the UTEP Library's Reference Department. Please ask at the Reference Desk for assistance.  Return to Business Librarian's Main Page

 Page created & maintained by  Lilia Fernandez
Last updated: 08/05/10