Secret Shopper Assignment

Due by 7:30 am.


Estimated maximum time required to do this assignment:

  • Doing secret shopping: 1 to 2 hours.

  • Writing preliminary draft: 1½ to 2 hours

  • Revising and fixing preliminary draft: 2 hours.

  • Having it checked over: 1 hour

  • Total: About 6 to 7 hours.

Value: 20 points (out of 100).


Questions to answer before you begin:
  1. What discourse communities regularly use this particular genre of writing (opinion articles) and for what purpose?
  2. What purpose and goals do you want to accomplish by writing this opinion piece assignment?
  3. What audience cares about or would want to see this piece of writing, or might even pay good money to read it?

Mystery shoppers go to stores and businesses, check them out, and then write reports so the store managers or other customers can tell how they are doing.

Your job: Pick any El Paso store (any kind of store) where you like to shop. Go there and buy something you need or want. Then, once you leave the store, answer each of these following questions in full sentences. Finally, make your answers into a short essay.

Instructions: How to write a Secret Shopper Report
A. Introduction:

1.     Tell what day and time you decided to do your secret shopping. Explain what store you went to, where it is located, and what you bought or went there to buy

B. The store itself:

2.     Describe the outside of the store. Is it attractive and inviting? Is there plenty of parking?

3.     Were you greeted when you entered the store? How? Did the atmosphere feel welcoming to you as a young person or student? Describe how they made you feel.

4.     Did the store arrangement make things easy for you to find?

C. The merchandise:

5.     Did the store have all the items that you needed or expected? 

6.     Were the prices there good?

D. The atmosphere:

7.     Was the inside of the store well-lit and attractive, or was it dark, stuffy, ugly or warehouse-like?

8.     Was the store clean and orderly?  Was the merchandise neat, or were things scattered all over the shelves?

9.     Did you see any food wrappers, trash, dirt, spills or dropped merchandise anywhere on the floor?

10.   Were there any boxes or stacked merchandise cluttering up the aisles?

11.   Were the customer rest rooms clean, odor-free, and easy to find?

12.   Was there any noticeable smell in the store? 

13.   Did you see any shelves, counters, freezers, bag-dispensers or anything else that was broken, cracked, empty, worn out, or out of order?

E. The employees:

14.   Were there enough store employees around to answer shoppers' questions? Did anyone ever ask you if you needed help?

15.   Did the store employees seem positive and enthusiastic? Or did they look grumpy, tired and overworked? Did they ever smile?  Did they seem knowledgeable about their merchandise and courteous to customers?

16.   Were store employees dressed professionally?

F. Checking out:

17.   Were enough checkout stands open? Did you have to stand in line to pay? If so, how long was the line?  If the store had an express check-out line, was it any faster?

18.   If you bought something, describe the attitude of the cashier.  Did the cashier act friendly and thank you for shopping there?

19.   As you were leaving, did they thank you for coming to their store, or did they stop you like a suspected thief and demand to see your receipt?

G. Conclusion:

20.   Did you enjoy your shopping experience there?  Why or why not? Please describe your overall opinion of this business. 

21.   Would you recommend this place of business to others? To whom? Why?

 Important! Do not write any notes while in the store! (If you need to do so, text yourself notes).  Answer all the above questions as soon as possible once you are out of the store.

Turn in your rough draft of this assignment within 3 days of when you do your Secret Shopping.

Questions to answer after you finish the assignment:

  1. How well does your writing serve your intended audience?

  2. How well does your writing your own purposes?

  3. How might you use this type of writing in the future?

OW 04/10

For educational purposes only.



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