Extreme Attendance Policy

  • In this course you are required to attend all classes, except in the case of university-sponsored activities. Other excused absences (proof may be requested) are:
    • Medical – a contagious illness or other diagnosed debilitating condition is affecting the student’s ability to attend class. Appointments for ordinary medical or dental care must be made outside of class hours, and are not considered excused absences;
    •  Household Medical – the student is responsible for the care of a sick, injured or needy household or family member, and the provision of that care affects the student’s ability to attend class. Family or household appointments for regular medical or dental care must be made outside of class hours, and are not considered excused absences;
    • Death of Family Member – the death of a person who is considered to be a member of the student‘s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s death is considered to be an acceptable excuse for temporary absence;
    • Military Duty – the active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States of either the student or a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s active military service is considered to be an acceptable excuse for temporary absence; 
    • Other Emergencies - here defined as immediate threats to life and property, or unexpected events that prevent public travel to or access to the university.  Court, legal, probation, parole, work-related absences, or personal transportation problems are not considered excused.
  • Attendance will be taken at every class, by means of a sign-in sheet passed around at the beginning of each class. It is your responsibility to sign in. If you did not sign in, you were absent.
  • If you miss class for any reason, excused or unexcused, you are still responsible for getting with someone else in the class and finding out  what you missed.
  • The fact that your car didn’t start or your ride didn't come in the morning is no excuse for missing class. Every student needs to have some other backup arrangement ready to get to campus on time in case regular transportation plans fail or are not available.
  • You are required to schedule non-emergency medical, dental and legal appointments or job interviews outside of class time.  These are not excused absences.
  • You will be held accountable for all the material covered in every class, through either attendance or through make up work, not just on tests. If you do not make up missed work,  you may lose all credit for that work, plus an extra penalty for refusing to participate.
  • Withdrawal: Simply not attending classes does not constitute official withdrawal, so please see your advisor in order do so. If you simply stop attending this course, you will be counted as absent and will receive grades based on work completed up to your last attendance as well as all missed class requirements assigned during your absence. In cases of extreme absenteeism (here defined as the total equivalent of two weeks worth of absences any time in the semester, for any reason including excused absences), at the Instructor's option  you may possibly be dropped without notice with a grade of “W" if the infractions occur prior to October 29. However, if the last infraction happens on or after October 29 or if the majority of your absences are unexcused, you will automatically fail the course.

  • Tardiness and the "Ten Minute Rule":  If the instructor is more than ten minutes late for class without notice or advance arrangement, you may leave without being counted absent. If you arrive more than ten minutes late for class for unexcused reasons (or leave class early without being dismissed), you will be counted as absent without excuse. 

  • Disability Statement: If a student has or suspects a disability and needs an accommodation, he/she should contact the Disabled Student Services Office (DSSO) at 915-747-5148 or at dss@utep.edu or go to Room 106 Union East Building. The student is responsible for presenting to the instructor any DSS accommodation letters and instructions.

Information on this website applies only to courses taught by Owen Williamson

Parts of this text adapted from Boylan, H.R. (2009). "The Mistakes We Make and How We Correct Them: What I’ve Learned As a Consultant." NADE Digest. Retrieved from: http://www.nade.net/March%202010/Digest/Spring%202009%20INTERIOR%20Sept13.pdf

O.W. Fall, 2010

For educational purposes only.
Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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