Rubric for Online Opinion Piece CATEGORY
20 pts. |
The policy change is clear and
specific. |
The policy change is fairly clear
and specific. |
The policy change needs to be
clearer and/or specific, though overall it is adequate. |
The policy change needs to be
significantly clearer and/or more specific. |
The policy change is missing.
15 pts. |
The writer‘s arguments are strong
and introduced evidence to show highly- respected sources.
The writer‘s arguments are good,
and introduced evidence to show well- respected sources.
The writer's arguments are
adequate, and the introduced sources may show uneven quality.
One or more of the writer's
arguments and evidence is significantly weak. Source quality appears
poor. |
The writer did not use any
effective arguments or evidence. Source quality is poor or unknown.
15 pts. |
The writer uses strong strategies
to appeal to the readers‘ values and beliefs. |
The writer uses good strategies
appeal to the readers' values and beliefs. |
The writer's appeals to the
readers' values and beliefs are uneven, though overall they are
adequate. |
The writer‘s appeals to the
readers‘ values and beliefs is inadequate or often uneven.
The writer did not use any
effective appeals to the readers' values and beliefs. |
15 pts. |
The writer's organizational
structure strongly supports the arguments. The logic is straight and
strong. |
The writer‘s organizational
structure provides good support for the arguments. Logic is good.
The writer's organizational
structure and logic are adequate to support the arguments, but are
sometimes uneven. |
The writer‘s organizational
structure provides inadequate support for the arguments. The logic
is often uneven. |
The writer did not use effective
organization and/or logic. |
10 pts. |
Research strongly supports the
argument and is correctly cited, both in-text and on Reference page
or notes. |
Research provides good support for
the argument and is correctly cited both in-text and on Reference
page or notes. |
Research provides adequate support
for the argument, though it may be uneven. It is mostly correctly
cited both in-text and on Reference page or notes. |
Research provides inadequate
support for the argument and it is incorrectly cited either in-text
and on Reference page or notes. |
No research is evident and/or it
is not cited in text or on Reference page. |
15 pts. |
Skilled writing. There are few, if
any, errors. Writing is clear and concise. |
Good writing. There are a few
surface errors but they are not distracting. Writing is clear and
concise. |
Adequate writing. Some surface
errors are distracting, though they don't impede overall
communication. Writing is mostly clear and/or a bit wordy.
Deficient writing. Surface errors
sometimes make it difficult to understand the writer's message.
Writing is generally unclear and/or wordy. |
Serious writing deficiencies.
Surface errors make it very difficult to understand the writer's
message. Writing is unclear and/or wordy. |