Class Presentation of Documentary Film

    Begins April 28-9th, 2010

    As you finish the documentary, you should now be something of an expert on your topic. It is time for you to tailor and rethink what you know and how you want to share it by preparing a formal presentation of your documentary film to your classmates. 


    Compose: You will present your documentary film by introducing it, showing it, and offering a conclusion to the viewing of the film.   Considering that your documentary will be approximately 5-7 minutes long, your introduction and conclusion should be brief, but they should provide a helpful transition into the viewing of the documentary and a satisfactory resolution after the viewing.


    Design: As you begin, you should refer to Chapter 8, “About Oral Modes of Communication” pgs. 223-262 in your Compose, Design, Advocate textbook.  Some quick tips: 


    Be prepared!  The more you know what you want to say, and how you want to say it, the less awkward your presentation will be.


    Practice!  Don’t try to “wing it.”  Much like the writing we have done in the course, presentations require some “rough” starts before you end up with a good final product. Practice beforehand.


    Embrace any nervousness!  Mark Twain once said that there were two kinds of speakers:  “Those who are nervous and those who lie about not being nervous.” One great step towards a confident presentation is to volunteer when you will present, rather than wait until you are chosen (or it is assigned to you).



    Design Plan: In order to present effectively, you should prepare a PowerPoint presentation (no more than 3 slides) in which you:

     Introduce yourselves and your documentary topic.

     Offer a brief summary of what the audience will see.

     Show the documentary.

     Provide closing statements.

    Product Testing: You should make sure all components of the documentary (visuals, technology) are functioning properly.  Test it at home, and get to class early to test it prior to presentation as well.   

    Advocate:  Presentations can be seen as a form of teaching, and one way to show you truly have knowledge of a subject/topic is to be able to articulate it verbally to others. Besides the written and visual discourse communities we have learned about and created, oral communication is just as powerful and requires just as much skill to be completed effectively.


    Key Elements Checklist:


    ü       Introduce your documentary with title, names, and brief overview of the film 



OW 1/10

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Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655

The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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