Optional assignment due at the beginning of next class meeting:

1. Review this slide show at

Study and become familiar with the concepts introduced in it, including the difference between revision and proofreading, how to revise, and what to revise for.

2. Read the sample essay I will pass out in class (used with permission of the author).

3. Based on this essay,

      a. First, create a proofread version of the essay.  Do not change the content of the text, only proofread it for grammar, spelling and punctuation. To do this, read it backward from end to beginning, ignoring the content. 

      b. Then, write an edited and proofread version of the essay, following all the rules for academic writing (no contractions, use middle-high style, do not use "you" to mean "everyone," etc.), with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Be sure you either have someone else read your edited version of this essay out loud to you for sound and sense, or you read it out loud to someone else.

4. Be ready to discuss the assignment in class.  Consider: What differences did you encounter between the original essay, the proofread version you produced, and the edited and proofread edition?  When you edited the essay, how much did it start becoming yours?   


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