Ongoing student progress in this course is evaluated based on class participation, homework and out-of-class assignments, in-class quizzes, and  in-class written responses. Each student will participate in a final collective research project and report on a selected theme. There will also be a comprehensive final exam covering the goals, vocabulary and subject competencies of the class.

o    Grades on major graded assignments will be A, (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%) and F (59 or less).  “Plus” or “minus” grades are not used in this class.  In order to pass, students must complete all required major elements of the course as listed below. Any student failing to submit a completed Wiki with the assignments from Jacob’s textbook, two Campus Event Reports, a Student Organization Report, and a collective Research Project (including presentation), or failing to sit for the Final Exam, will receive a grade of "F" for the course. Any student who will not be able to attend the Final Exam at the scheduled date and time may request to take the exam early. No special arrangements will be available after the scheduled exam.

Grades will be based on the following required major elements:

·         Wiki (Weekly writing assignments): 20%

·         Public Speaking Activities (2): 5% each

·         Campus Event Reports (2): 5% each

·         Report on a Student Organization: 10%

·         Weekly KTEP Listener Reports: 10%

·         Final Collective Research Report: 20% (Written Report 15%, Presentation 5%)

·         Department-required UNIV 1301 Survey:  5%

·         Participation: 5%

·         Final Exam: 10%

          Total: 100%  

  To earn a passing grade (“A,” “B,” or “C”) students must have completed all major assignments, paragraphs, and essays and achieved an average of 70% (70 points) or better for the course.


In order to pass, students must complete all required major elements of the course as listed below. Any student failing to submit a completed Wiki with all the assigned Progymnasmata, two Campus Event Reports, a Student Organization Report, or a collective Research Project (including presentation) or failing to sit for the Final Exam will receive a grade of "F" for the course. Any student who will not be able to attend the Final Exam at the scheduled date and time may request to take the exam early.


Extra Credit is available for certain extra event reports related to the theme of this course, or for certain other special events. Ask instructor for details if interested.  Extra credit may also be offered at the Instructor's option for extraordinary work clearly beyond the level of the course. This latter type of extra credit is rare, and may not be requested.




Guiding principle for assessment: "Results count." Though "good faith effort" is important in regard to the Instructor's willingness to help you achieve good results, in the grading process, it will not substitute for results. Note:  No “Incomplete” grades are available except in well-documented cases clearly beyond the student’s control.  Missing graded work (or work on which rewrite is requested and not completed) will be graded "zero."



* Students who are on scholarship, who are receiving financial aid, who need to maintain athletic eligibility or who have been placed on academic probation must be aware of the requirements necessary to remain  in good standing with respect to their particular situations.  It is the student’s responsibility to satisfy the course requirements necessary to remain in good standing.   The instructor will not make any special provisions.





Students with disabilities are expected to adhere to attendance class requirements the same as other students without disabilities. However, for a few students because of the nature of their disability it may preclude them from attending class regularly, the Instructor will discuss with the student needing “absence consideration” the maximum amount of absences he/she can have and still receive credit for the course. .Maximum amount of absences will be determined by the Instructor in consultation with DSSO

EXTENDED TIME ON COURSEWORK:   A student may be eligible for this accommodation if he/she has a substantial limitation:
  • in visual acuity

  • with manual dexterity
  • in reading comprehension
  • or has severe side effects to medication(s)
  • or has a disability that produces frequent or severe flare ups or exacerbations

    • The student should request this accommodation well in advance of coursework deadlines from DSSO and speak with the instructor to make arrangements for flexibility of deadlines.


           OW 8/11

Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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