In case of absence, or if class is ever cancelled due to circumstances beyond Instructor control, students are still expected to complete and submit all assignments shown on this Calendar page if possible.
Week 13
:Borders feedback form due for Extra Credit (optional).
Discuss on-campus intellectual activities (e.g., lectures, debates, panel presentations, campus conference, etc.). [Academic success strategies]
Rhetoric of class, ethnicity and gender. [Applies to theme / discipline] [Critical thinking]
Activity/assignment addressing individual roles and responsibilities in groups. Reference this to Final Project experience.
Ethics. [Critical thinking]
Test-taking strategies.
Organization Report due in class dropbox by Monday, Nov. 14 before class.
Tentative: Respond to NY Times article.
Discuss vocabulary page.
Other activities TBA.
Reread Foreword (pps. xi -xiii) of Jacob.
2. Read Review of Books, respond to this article with at least two good paragraphs on your Wiki comments.
3. Read article from New York Times, be ready to respond in class.
1. Read Vocabulary page. Learn for Final Exam.
OR Option 2: Interview your own oldest living relative who cooks or cooked, get the story of their personal recipe for their favorite dish, or another food-related story of theirs, and write it up in about four paragraphs. Note: If you have no older living relatives, or are unable to interview any of your older relatives in the time available for this assignment, contact instructor for alternate instructions. Presented by Work Group 1. |
reports. [Academic success strategies—note taking] [Critical thinking]
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For educational purposes only. |
Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655 |
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968 |
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