Red Flags
(Warning signs that may indicate possibly serious emerging problems with your college career)
Indecisiveness about your major, personal and career goals, or courses to take.
Frequent illness, repeated bouts of "stomach flu," headaches, migraine or infections.
Increased drinking, smoking, or use of illegal substances; coming to class "high."
Irresponsible, obsessive, promiscuous or unprotected sexual behavior.
Repeatedly skipping classes, whether for work, illness, or just out of neglect.
Difficulty keeping up with coursework, falling behind on assignments or reading.
Questioning the relevance of required courses for your major.
Selecting classes without any connection to career, purpose or other goals.
Unrealistic overconfidence combined with failing grades or poor prior academic record.
Failure to register for next semester or to reapply for financial aid and/or housing on time; failure to complete the FAFSA.
Requesting transcripts.
If you live away from home:
Calling home daily or spending hours on the phone, texting, on Twitter, Facebook or MySpace talking to family or home folks.
Going home frequently, particularly missing school days to go home
O.W. 5/07 rev 5/09
For educational purposes only. |
Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655 |
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968 |
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