In your group, choose a standpoint on a controversial public issue of your choice that directly impacts most college students.
In your report, using your research and your knowledge of rhetoric, carefully answer these five questions, very specifically to your issue and situation, and one by one:
1. How can you best make students more aware of your chosen issue?
2. How can you best persuade them to care about the issue and agree with your standpoint?
3. What existing groups are there on campus, in the community, or nationwide that are active on your issue or could become active on it? What are they doing on this issue right now? If there are none on campus, how would you form, recruit and lead a UTEP group or a wider regional or national student organization to do something about the issue? If there is already a group, how could you best help them advance your cause locally and on a broader stage?
4. What opposition would you expect to face, how strong, why, and from whom? Who would be hurt if your cause wins? What organized groups do you expect would oppose you, and why?
5. In order to successfully accomplish your goal, how exactly would you and your organization plan to organize, gain support, overcome opposition to your viewpoint and win real victory?
Hint: Read "A Taxonomy of Change" for ideas on how to address these questions! Read "10 Tactics" to learn how to organize students and "turn information into action."
Project must be
You will be required to present a bibliography (Works Cited page) of at least ten different significant sources related to your subject. This bibliography should be posted by October 25 on your own UTEP Wiki spaces (all work group members). All listed online sources should have working hyperlinks. You must quote from or use each source in your final written report.
Final posting date for the written report is Nov. 24 (7:30 am--all groups). Photos, graphics and hyperlinks increase the value of your paper or website, but do not plagiarize!
You should use conversations or interviews as sources, but only if the person has first-hand personal experience with the subject. You may also use your own personal knowledge or experience as one source per person, but only if you have first-hand experience with the subject.