Weekly Quiz Reader Quizzes



Weekly Quizzes


         Weekly take-home quiz information will be posted on the Weekly Quiz page (See hot bar above) each Thursday morning and will cover the appropriate chapter in the text and lectures of the current week. It will consist of 10 multiple-choice questions worth 1 point each for a quiz total of 10 points.  Complete the quiz  on a small, green Scantron (see below) and turn it in at the beginning of class the following Tuesday morning. NO LATE QUIZZES WILL BE ACCEPTED!





     The format for the in-class mid-term exams and the final exam will be posted on the Study Guide web page at the appropriate time.


Important Note!


        You all have access to computers at the various lab sites on campus,

especially LACIT (you pay a hefty technology fee each semester for

this) so excuses such as:


                                                    ........I don't have a computer

                                                    ........I couldn't get to LACIT on time

                                                    ........My printer broke down

                                                    ........I don't know how to use a computer

                                                    ........And a whole lot of others


will not be accepted!