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Ancient Egyptian Resource List

Egyptian Pyramids

Nothing tantalizes the imagination like ancient Egypt. The mystical religions, stunning temples, and rich history of pharaohs and conquerors has intrigued students, historians, and Hollywood alike. So much of what we know about ancient Egypt is taken from books and movies, it is sometimes an effort to sort fact from fiction.

We’ve collected a list of the best ancient Egypt resources here. These highly reputable sites will clear up any questions, and many of them come right from experts—the only better sources would be ancient Egyptians themselves!

  1. The British Museum Egyptian Collection has one of the most extensive and best documented collections of Egyptian relics in the world. Their website has not only photographs and descriptions straight from the collection, but a fun-to-navigate menu that is sure to delight the inner child in anyone.
  2. The Ancient Egypt Site is administered by Jacques Kinnaer, a Belgian scientist and “Egypt enthusiast.” He is an expert in hieroglyphics and has written books and articles on the subject. The website is full of history and photographs, and there’s even a section dedicated to learning the language of the ancient Egyptians.
  3. The Religion of Ancient Egypt is dedicated to exploring and explaining the religion and belief system of ancient Egyptians. Maintained by Minnesota State University, this site doesn’t have the beautiful pictures that other sites do, but is full of great information.
  4. Overview of Ancient Egyptian Religion, written by John Watson, can be found on the Tour Egypt website. It is one of the best sources available if you’re looking for ancient Egyptian information. The article is illustrated with lots of photos and includes a long list of other resources available.
  5. Ancient Egypt is a large section devoted to Egypt on the website. While the bright colors of the banner and large print might seem childish at first, even adults will find the information at this site a great introduction to ancient Egypt. Even better: the site is organized into helpful sections, like religion, clothing, and food.
  6. Egyptology is the official Egyptian history section on Egypt’s government web page. If you want the best information, common sense says to go straight to the source, and you can’t get any closer than modern Egypt’s lovely, streamlined website.
  7. Ancient Egypt Online offers thousands of photos, timelines, and pages of history. It is generally organized according to dynasties, but a great search feature allows you find the exact piece of information you want.
  8. Egypt State Information Services offers a rundown of Egyptian history. Less flashy as other sites, this overview of history is meant as a quick introduction to the subject.
  9. Dr. Zahi Hawass is one of the leading Egyptologists, and a citizen of Egypt as well. The subject is close to his heart, and he brings his passion to the subject with his Indiana Jones-like take on the subject. His methods can be controversial, but his website is well-designed and very informative.
  10. Egypt: People and History is the part of the history section of the U.S. State Department website. It is their business to know everything about the world, and their Egyptian history section is extremely thorough. From the first settlers of the Nile Delta to modern Egypt, you can get the full story here.
  11. King Tut is one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs, a boy king who has captured the imagination of millions since the discovery of his tomb in 1922. This website is dedicated to his story, ongoing research into his life, and ancient Egyptian history as well. Find out the story behind mummification, temples, and religion at this website.
  12. Egypt: A Brief History is a great overview of ancient Egypt from, an organization dedicated to clearing up misunderstandings between our two cultures. The historical timeline at this site starts 700,000 years ago when the first settlers left artifacts behind, and continues right up to present times.
  13. Mummies of Ancient Egypt is a website created by the University of Michigan. The simple layout is great for younger students but will not turn away adults, either.
  14. Life In Ancient Egypt is an online resource meant to be both a quick and in-depth introduction to ancient Egypt. All the basic information appears right on the home page, and anyone interested in studying further can click on any of the many links or find a reading list at the bottom of the page.
  15. Nova: Pyramids is the companion website to the PBS show, Nova, which did a special on Egypt and pyramids. Their website is highly respected and well-researched, and the interactive menu is almost like a game in which you get to explore ancient Egypt for yourself.
  16. may not contain a lot of information, but they provide a live camera feed of the pyramids (including the current weather). If you can’t travel to see the pyramids yourself, bring the pyramids into your home!
  17. Any list about ancient history and far away destinations must include National Geographic. National Geographic: Egypt has pictures from the best photographers in the world, history from the best historians in the world, and fun stuff too, like quizzes and videos.
  18. UCLA: Egyptology is the home page for the University of California’s Egyptology department. They are one of the leading research teams into Egyptian history, and their department is currently involved in a lot of fascinating research into the lives of ancient Egyptians. If you’re looking into becoming an Egyptologist or just interested in what’s going on in Egyptian research, this page bears periodic checking.
  19. The Field Museum: Inside Ancient Egypt is a permanent exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois. Their webpage is beautifully designed and full of pictures with accompanying history. There is also a great section on Cleopatra.
  20. Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, located in San Jose, California, has one of the largest Egyptian collections in North America. The museum is built in the style of the Temple of Amon, and is dedicated to educating the public about ancient Egypt. Their website is well-designed and incredibly helpful.
  21. Guardian’s Egypt is a privately maintained website about ancient Egypt, but is also one of the most well-respected. It is run by a Yale University alumnus who has always been fascinated with Egypt. It began as a list of all the websites about Egypt, and has now grown to the go-to spot for Egypt enthusiasts everywhere. One of its best features is the “CyberJourney to Egypt,” which takes armchair travelers on a tour of Egyptian monuments.