Bill Robertson, Ph.D. - Classes
Teacher Education Department

Physical Science Concepts

Newton's Laws

Law of Inertia - An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.

F = ma - Acceleration of an object is dependent upon 2 variables; the force on an object and the mass of the object.

Opposite and Equal Reaction - For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction


Motion - variety of quantities used to describe the physical world: distance, speed, velocity, acceleration, force, mass, momentum, energy, work, power

Work - force acting upon an object to cause displacement. W=f*d*cos0 f=force, d=displacement, 0=theta, angle of the vector.

Mechanical Energy - energy possessed by an object due to its motion or its stored energy of position. Can be both potential and kinetic. Measured in Joules.

Potential Energy - stored energy of position. PS=m*g*h, m=mass, g=gravitational constant (10m/s/s), h=height. Measured in Joules.

Kinetic Energy - energy of motion. KE=1/2*m*v2(squared), m=mass, v=speed

Power - work divided by time, measured in Watts.


Gravity vs. Lift and Drag (friction) vs. Thrust - most easily recognized in the way and airplane takes of in flight

Centripetal force - "Center Seeking", force required giving the centripetal acceleration that moves a body along a curved path. It is directed towards the center of a curve on a path. Only Centripetal is a "real force"

Centrifugal force - "To flee from the center", force felt by a body moving along a curved path, tendency of an object to go in a straight line.

Moment of Inertia - Magnitude of each element of mass by the square of the distance from the axis. In that sense, the closer the mass to the center (or axis), the greater the moment of inertia, and the farther the mass from the center (or axis), the less the moment of inertia.

UTEP College of Education