Bill Robertson, Ph.D. - Classes
Teacher Education Department

SCED 3311 - Curriculum Planning in Secondary Schools - Guiding Questions

Activity in Small Groups – Cultural Portrait (30 min)

  • Interview – discuss the person you interviewed with a small group of 4 (your discussion group) and share your observations that you produced from your narrative.
  • Guiding questions: How can we best recognize the ways our students view the world? The classroom? Our subject areas? How can we overcome our own assumptions of students?

Activity 2 in Small Groups (35 min)

  • With the copy of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) brought from your area of teaching.
  • Organize into pairs within your content area
  • Using Figure 1.2 on pg. 10 as your guide, begin to define the curricular priorities for your subject area and to define the fundamental concepts to be addressed in a curriculum
  • Discuss how you would organize the concepts from simple to complex
UTEP College of Education