The University of Texas at El Paso

Bill Robertson

TED 5314 - Current Topics Science Education

PBL Overview

PBL Pedagogy

Research Paper 1

Research Paper 2

Research Paper 3

Research Paper 4

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3




Problem- Based Learning

This is a basic mock-up of the 2 by 3 table design that can be utilized as a way of developing the structure for the Web Project.

Each cell of the table offers an area that can be controlled independently of the rest of the page. In this classroom site, I am using a basic 2 by 3 table design, which means I have 2 columns and three rows. With Dreamweaver MX, you can look at tables in both a Standard View and a Layout View, but either way, you are looking at the same HTML code.

When you have a large site or multiple pages that share a common design, you may want to create a template. With a template, you can update the look of your site, changing multiple pages within a few minutes.

Templates are made up of two types of areas:

  • Locked areas, where any attributes of element, including fonts, graphics, or links, cannot be changed directly on the page, only in the template itself.
  • Editable regions, which can be modified.

By default, all regions in a template are locked and you need to define editable regions on content pages. In one sense, it is a good idea to lock regions that are site wide, such a navigation links and footer contact information. Modifications to the template file (something.dwt) will be done site wide in all locked regions and be reflected in all pages connected to the template file.


UTEP College of Education
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