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What is Problem Based Learning?

Heather Click, Science Leader
Bonham Elementary
El Paso, TX

Definition | Inquiry | PBL Example

Problem Based Learning can be traced back to the 1970’s where its origin at McMaster University, Canada gave medical schools everywhere a new, student-centered alternative to meeting educational curriculum standards. You can now find the multi-faceted theory of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in institutions ranging from health services, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law, police science, and K-12 arenas. So what exactly is PBL and why has it become such a popular part of education?

Problem Based Learning is defined by the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (2005) as “a curriculum development and instructional approach [that] simultaneously develops problem solving strategies, disciplinary knowledge bases, and skills by placing students in the active role of problem-solvers confronted with an ill-structured problem which mirrors real-world problems”. Although the exact procedures of conducting PBL may differ slightly from one establishment to another; they share common scaffolding. Students are posed with a problem, posing a situation that is unique which may involve a bit of role-play. Students may assume the role of a science advisor at NASA, a participant in a special session of a school board meeting, a stockholder of a major oil refinery, etc. With the role assigned, students are given their problem (often referred to ask the “Hook” of the lesson) to solve with a team of classmates.

Collaborative groups draw upon prior knowledge and identify holes or misconceptions that need to be further researched in regard the problem at hand. Student-directed group and individual investigation and data gathering ensues, and groups begin to develop new insights. Pertinent information is ultimately applied toward arriving at possible solutions to the problem posed. A final product is often compiled to showcase the team’s solution. In some cases, the solution may be submitted to rectify an authentic dilemma.

Problem Based Learning offers invaluable experiences to the learner. As Woods states (p.1-1), “PBL is a learning environment that embodies most of the principles that we know improve learning: active, cooperating, getting prompt feedback, tailored to student’s learning preference with student empowerment and accountability”. Compared to more traditional ways of learning content; “PBL forces the students to learn the fundamental principles of the subject in the context of needing it to solve a problem. Hence…this makes a significant improvement in a student’s ability to recall and later use the subject knowledge” (Woods,D., 1996, p.1-2). Rhem (p.1) offers similar commentary in The National Teaching & Learning Forum: “PBL ends up orienting students toward meaning-making over fact-collecting…Group work and independent investigation [allow students to] achieve higher levels of comprehension, develop more learning and knowledge-forming skills and more social skills as well.”

To elaborate upon the strengths of PBL more specifically, one should examine the pedagogical factors that justify reasons why authentic learning is engaging to students in the classroom, as they prepare to meet the demands of the real-world. After all, “real-world problems often don’t mesh well with mandated curricula, textbooks, standardized tests, state standards, and the seven-period day” (Gordon, 1998, p.391). To summarize Gordon (1998), life involves an ongoing series of problems to solve, decisions to make, concepts to understand, and products to produce. Very few of us do worksheets. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes are developed in the context of actual work; and attention to real-life skills, such as decision making and problem solving, can link students’ work to real-life experience. [Through authentic learning], the curriculum looks less like a compilation of discrete building blocks and more like a continuous ascending spiral in which each experience builds on previous ones as students increase their understanding and improve their skills. [Finally], authentic problems don’t generate scores on a test; but exhibiting one’s work publicly places it up against real-world standards of quality.

Inquiry learning is embedded in the heart of PBL. The National Science Education Standards explains, “when engaging in inquiry, students describe objects and events, ask questions, construct explanations, test those explanations against current scientific knowledge, and communicate their ideas to others. They identify their assumptions, use critical and logical thinking, and consider alternativeexplanations. In this way, students actively develop their understanding of science bycombining scientific knowledge with reasoning and thinking skills”. In Foundations (National Science Foundation), the point is made that “children need to be nurtured to fully develop their abilities to become real thinkers- to puzzle through problems, to see multiple ways of finding solutions, to gather and weigh evidence, and to apply and test scientific ideas. These skills of inquiry can ultimately equip children with the ability to function effectively as adults, both at work and in the everyday world. Inquiry should mirror as closely as possible the enterprise of doing real science”. What better way to meet all of these needs of students than to utilize PBL in the classroom?

For many years the American education system has failed to teach necessary inquiry skills. Content has been the focus, rather than process. Too much content has squeezed its way into curriculum units with little emphasis on scientific processes of measurement, writing, communication, etc. One approach to teaching inquiry skills: question, predict, experiment, observe, and conclude, or QPEOC, (Hashey & Sarton, 2004, p.34) can easily be worked into a PBL unit. This format would allow the teacher and students to “go into depth on fewer topics rather than skate along the top of many” (Hashey & Sarton). As mentioned before, this would also of more memorable, genuine learning to students.

If PBL is so advantageous, why aren’t all teachers using it? In the classroom, PBL is viewed as “messy and complex in nature; it requires inquiry; is changing and tentative; and has no simple, fixed, formulaic, right solution” (Foundations). With these stipulations, it is easy to see why teachers may shy away from this method of instruction. Inquiry learning embedded in PBL can be extremely effective if the following aspects are considered before-hand. “Students should work cooperatively together to help each other learn. Learning activities that exploit the students’ unique learning preference should be provided. Not all students learn the same way. Each has a preferred style. Students should have clear goals and criteria to tell them when the goals have been achieved. Students should get prompt feedback about their performance. Students should be empowered to have some role in the assessment. A work environment that expects that they will succeed must be provided” (Woods, 1996, p.1-3).

PBL units motivate students and teachers and research has shown they result in higher qualities of learning. Continuing to teach the same way as before is not going to change student achievement. PBL may be the solution to better preparing students for the real-world.

In conclusion, I’d like to illustrate one successful PBL unit built upon inquiry learning that was conducted in the Vestal Central School District in New York (Hashey & Sarton). Students were given samples of locally collected leaves with black tar-like spots on them. Students measured, sketched, and described the leaves and began asking what caused the spots. The inquiry question was, “Are leaves with ‘tar spots’ found in our school’s neighborhood?” Few students had seen the spots, and most predicted that the diseased trees were probably rare or highly localized. To answer the question, students devised an experiment. They searched their yards for diseased leaves and brought in samples. They observed the collected leaves, and they sketched and described them in journals. They concluded that tar-spotted leaves were widespread in their neighborhoods, and only maple leaves had spots. Classes communicated their results to each other and to their families and neighbors. Students and teachers contacted the local extension office and discovered that the spots were a fungus most prominent on Norway Maples weakened by air pollution. A simple question about some black spots triggered an investigation that led to field work, data gathering, journal writing, and, ultimately, to contacting local scientists.



Camp, G. "Problem-Based Learning: A Paradigm Shift or a Passing Fad?" The University of Texas Medical Branch. 1996, 1:2. http://www.med-ed-online.org/f0000003.htm

Gordon, Rick. "Balancing Real-World Problems with Real-World results." Phi Delta Kappan January 1998: 390-3.

Hashey, J. and Sarton Jr., E. "Learning to think as scientists." Journal of Staff Development Fall 2004: 34-7.

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Dec. 2004. http://www2.imsa.edu/programs/pbln/tutorials/intro11.php

"Inquiry Thoughts, Views, and Stratgeies for the K-5 Classroom" Foundations: A monograph for professionals in science, mathematics, and technology education. 2000. National Science Foundation. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2000/nsf99148/pdf/nsf99148.pdf

Rhem, J. "Problem-based learning: ans introduction." The National Teaching & Learning Forum v.8, no.1, 1998:1-4.

Woods, D. Instructor's Guide for Problem-based Learning: how to gain the most from PBL. Hamilton ON, Canada: McMaster University Bookstore, 1996.

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For further information or comments, please contact hclick@utep.edu .