Bill Robertson, Ph.D. - Classes
Teacher Education Department

EDT 5373 - Advanced Productivity Technology Classroom


A: 90% - 100%, B: 80% - 89%, C: 70%-79%, D: 60%-69%, F: <60%

Each student is expected to complete two large projects and a series of class assignments. The overall grade for the class for each student will be calculated as follows: 10% Daily Attendance & Participation, 20% Mid-Term Product and Presentation, 40% Online Quizzes, Online Assignments and Online Discussions, 30% Final Product and Presentation.

Rubrics for Projects

Midterm Product and Presentation - This rubric will be utilized in order to assess the design and content of midterm project in a classroom setting and your classroom presentation.


Syllabus | Schedule | Assignments| Discussions | Student Products| Evaluation | Resources | Links

UTEP College of Education