MUST 3216 Music Theory Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint
Fall Semester 2005, TR, 1030-1120AM, FFA Room M402
Assignment 2

Week Dates Topic Assignment Quiz?
2 September 5 Kennan: Chapters 3, 4 Assignment 2 None
After reading Chapters 3 and 4, use Finale ® music notation software (and an approved template), to compose a cantus firmus. Open Finale’s “Grand Staff.ftm” template. The cantus firmus must meet the following requirements:
  • The cantus firmus is to be four measures in length, in a major key, in common time, using treble clef.
  • Use quarter notes, except for half notes at 2.3 and 4.3.
  • Leading tones must go up.
Use your cantus firmus in a 1:1 two-voice example, adding a bass voice (in bass clef):
  • Use essential intervals only
  • Label intervals between the staves (use Finale’s Expression tool, attach expression to “This Staff Only”).
  • No parallel fifths or octaves.
  • Don’t double the leading tones.
  • Use no more than four parallel 3rds (10th) or 6ths (13ths) consecutively.
Use your cantus firmus in a 2:1 two-voice example:
  • Label intervals between the staves (use Finale’s Expression tool).
  • Use non-harmonic tones (NHTs) on weak beats only.
  • Label all NHTs (use Finale’s Expression tool, attach expression to “This Staff Only”).
  • Resolve NHTs correctly.
  • Use eighth notes in the bass voice, except for half notes at 2.3 and 4.3.
Use Finale’s “Page Setup” tool to remove the empty staff from the cantus firmus.

MUST 3216 Syllabus
MUST 3216 Topics
Charles Leinberger Music Theory Home Page
Charles Leinberger's Fall 2005 Schedule
UTEP Department of Music
This page was updated 22 August 2005.