MUST 3216 Music Theory Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint
Fall Semester 2005, TR, 1030-1120AM, FFA Room M402
Assignment 5

Week Dates Topic Assignment Quiz?
6 September 26, 28 Kennan: Chapter 9, 10 Assignment 5 None
After reading Chapters 9 and 10, use Finale® music notation software (and an approved template such as Finale’s Grand Staff.ftm), write the following invertible counterpoint:
  • Write a two-voice, four-measure example of fifth-species (florid, combination of species 1 through 4) invertible counterpoint.
  • This example should be invertible at the octave or 15th.
  • This example should be in a major key.
  • In the space between the staves, label each interval.
  • Avoid the use of perfect 4ths and 5ths in the original.
  • In the next four-measure example, invert the counterpoint you wrote in the first example.
  • In the space between the staves, label each interval of the inversion.
  • The intervals of the inverted counterpoint should correspond to the inversions listed on page 122 of Kennan’s Counterpoint. The number of each interval and its inversion add up to 9.

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This page was updated 15 September 2005.