MUST 3216 Music Theory Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint
Fall Semester 2005, TR, 1030-1120AM, FFA Room M402
Assignment 10

Week Dates Topic Assignment Quiz?
12 November 14 Kennan: Chapter 17 Assignment 10 None
After reading Chapter 17, finish the first entry group of you fugue (exposition) and compose an episode to separate it from the next entry group. Decide on a key scheme for you second entry group. Start composing your second entry group.
  • You episode should modulate from the key in which your first entry group ended (the dominant if you're using real imitation) to the key in which your second entry group will begin.
  • You may choose any closely-related key for the first subject of the second entry group. Relative major (III), relative minor (vi), subdominant (iv or IV) or dominant (v or V) are possible choices.
  • In the second entry group, you answer should be in the dominant key of the subject (v if the subject is in minor, V if the subject is in major).
  • After the second entry group, the next episode should modulate from the key in which that entry group ended to the key for your third and possibly final entry group. That new key will be your tonic, the key in which the first entry group began.
  • Work fast. The fugue should be finished by 11/21/2005!

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UTEP Department of Music
This page was updated 07 November 2005.