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Undocumented Immigration- Annotated Bibliography
Gamboa, Suzanne. (2010, February 25) E-Verify System to Check Workers Status Inaccurate, Misses Half of Illegal Workers. El Paso Times. Retrieved February 25, 2010, from
Gamboa wrote an article on the E-Verify system which is to verify that the workers are legal or not. This is said to be a wake up call to those who think that E-Verify will stop people from hiring illegal immigrants. About 184,000 of the 7 million to 8 million U.S. employers are using E-Verify, based on the Homeland Security Department.
Turner, Anna.(2010, February 4) Immigration Helps Boost Relative Wages of U.S.-Born Workers at All Levels of Education. Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved February 24, 2010, from( born_workers_at_all_lev/)
Turner wrote an article on a research she conducted. The data shows that there was an impact of immigration on weekly wages based on the education they had. This also shows that more and more immigrants are obtaining an education here in the U.S.
The Economist Newspaper. (2009, November 7) Improving Performances is Linked in Part to Immigration Policy. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from The University of Texas at El Paso.
This article is about how 70% of the University of Texas at El Paso's students are Mexican or Mexican-American. It shows a graph that states that among 25-29 year olds are falling behind as far as education goes.
Weber, Paul J.(2010, February 11) Immigration: Governor Rick Perry Asks Feds to Pay $13.5M in Prison Fees. El Paso Times. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from
Weber wrote an article on Gov. Rick Perry calling on the federal government to pay back Texas in full for holding undocumented immigrants in state prisons. Perry said that there is an estimate of 9,000 undocumented immigrants are in custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Brunsma, David and Boza-Golash, Tanya.(2008, September 12) Toward a Moratorium on Raids, Detentions and Deportations. Counter Punch. Retrieved February 23, 2010, from
Brunsma and Boza-Golash wrote that immigration raids should be stopped, mistreatment of detainees and deportations must end now. It is known that migration has existed for many years, and can not be stopped.
Licon Gomez, Adriana.(2009, November 14) Immigration Reform: Napolitano says Change to Law Vital to Homeland Security. El Paso Times. Retrieved February 22, 2010, from
Gomez wrote that Napolitano reaffirmed President Obama's determination to pass the reform that includes legalizing 12 million undocumented immigrants. This reform has not yet been passed which has caused massive walkouts in major U.S. cities in 2006 and 2007 over this immigration reform.
Chapman, Steve.(2010, February 21) Illegal Immigrants: Not So Scary. Town Hall. Retrieved February 22, 2010, from
Chapman wrote an article on illegal immigrants not being so scary, but in reality as the immigrant population increases crimes as well. Homeland Security has been able to control crimes and jail the criminals.
Huerta, Alvaro.(2009, September 14) In Defense of the Undocumented. Counter Punch. Retrieved February 21, 2010, from
Huerta wrote that as descendants of immigrants one has defended and stood up for undocumented immigrants because of all the mistreatment they receive.
Balko, Radley.(2009, July 6) How Can a Comparatively Poor, High-Immigration Town that Sits Across the Border From Super-Violent Ciudad Juarez Be One of the Safest Big Cities In America?. The El Paso Miracle. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from
Many think that since El Paso is within the border with Juarez, that the violence will spread over here, in reality it will not because there is high security. El Paso is among the safest cities in the U.S. Although there is crimes, the security and protection is well prepared for anything.
Gonzalez, David.(2009, April 25) A Family Divided by 2 Words, Legal and Illegal. The New York Times. Retrieved February 21, 2010, from
Gonzalez wrote a report on a family whose head of the house immigrated to the U.S. because they had little money and he saw no future for his daughter and son in Ecuador. Once he was here he paid coyotes to smuggle in his wife and children into the U.S. to seek a better future.
Parker, Douglas A. and Boza-Golash, Tanya Maria (2006, May 15) Dehumanizing the Undocumented. Counter Punch. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from
Parker wrote that many people dehumanize the undocumented immigrants, meaning that they are not like any other humans. This has been cruel because undocumented immigrants do not deserved to be treated as animals.
Camarota, Steven A. and Jensenius, Karen.(2009, July) A Shifting Tide: Recent Trends in the Illegal Immigrant Population. Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved February 20, 2010, from
Camarota and Jensenius wrote that immigrant population has been growing and how many have succeeded. They look for new jobs and better futures for their families.
The Associated Press.(2010, February 23) Illegal Immigrants Numbers Rise in Southeast. The New York Times. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from
The Associated Press wrote that immigrants have come to the U.S. to look for jobs and better opportunities. Nationwide, the report found that the illegal immigrant population grew 27 percent during the study period, though the numbers fell in the last two years. Many are sometimes escaping from places they do not want to be in.
Sustar, Lee. (2006, May 17) Compromise and Conquer on Immigration?.Counter Punch. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from
Sustar wrote an opinionated paper on either compromising or conquering immigration reforms. Everyone has their own opinion and way of thinking, who knows when immigrants will be treated equal.
Brandon, Katherine. (2009, June 25) Working Together for Immigration Reform. The White House Blog. Retrieved February 19, 2010, from
President Obama has been working with members of the Congress towards an Immigration Reform which will let immigrants obtain residency. Until now this reform has not been passed, and it is unknown when it will be passed.