Country Risk Analysis

NOTE: The letter U
next to the name of a resource indicates that it is a
licensed electronic service that UTEP subscribes to. Off-campus access (unless
otherwise specified) to that resource is available and is restricted to current
UTEP students, staff, and faculty.
The following organizations are important sources
of social, economic, and population statistics on various countries. They often offer
selected publications and statistics for free on their web sites.
For additional socioeconomic and trade
consult the "Country Information" or "International
Business" Research Guides.
The following newspapers/magazines are useful in
helping you remain abreast of current developments and are available through our
subscription databases
- Business Monitoring Index (BMI) ratings can be used to rank
emerging markets in terms of political risk, the economy and the quality of
the business environment. There are four ratings: a composite rating, a
political rating, an economy rating and a business environment rating.
Locate in
Business Source
PremierU Search
this and other business journal databases using the kewords "country
risk" and ("ratings" or "rankings") for additional
sources of information.
- Economic
Freedom of the World Network
It contains index scores for 123 nations on the level of economic freedom
(absence of government intervention). In some cases the data went back to
the 1970s
- Foreign
Investment Advisory Service - provides a compilation of indices and
ratings of the different factors that comprise the business climate of
various countries
- Index
of Economic Freedom – countries graded by: trade policy, fiscal burden
of government, government intervention in the economy, monetary policy,
capital flows and foreign investment, banking and finance, wages and prices,
property rights, regulation and the black market.
- Transperancy
International (IT), Corruption
Perceptions Index – Transperancy International is a not-for-profit,
non-governmental, international business organization formed to counter
corruption both in international business transactions and at national
levels. There are yearly rankings and an historical perspective for some 54
countries. Click on “Excel-Sheet” at the bottom of the page for the year
selected to access information.
- Global Integrity (The Center
for Public Integrity) - The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit,
nonpartisan organization. It provides in-depth reports on the state of
public integrity and corruption in 25 countries. Among other things the
reports include country facts, corruption timeline, integrity assessment,
and integrity scorecard.
- The Davos World Economic Forum -
Click on "Global Competitiveness Reports" to access country
rankings tables.
- World Competitiveness Yearbook
- provides the overall ranking for 59 countries and regional economies
from least to most competitive. The ranking list is broken down into two
categories: economies with a population greater than 20 million, and those
with fewer than 20 million. The ranking is performed on a yearly basis.
- The Fraser Institute - Click
on the "Economic Freedom", then on "Economic Freedom of the
World: 2003 Annual Report" to access economic freedom ratings of 123
- World
Economic Forum: Knowledge Navigator - Includes "global
competitiveness report" that measures the economic competitiveness of
80 countries.
- BradyNet
– Includes info and data on emerging fixed income markets. Information on
Brady Bonds, current Brady Bond closing prices, analysis and research, and
- Country Risk Analysis (PNC
Financial Services Group)
- COFACE - Click on the alphabetical
Index at the bottom of the page, then click on "Country Risk".
Includes ratings and risk assessment data for various countries
- Political Risk Services (The PRS
Group) - data and ratings for multiple countries
- Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB) - information on economic development
- The Heritage Foundation - Click on
"Heritage Research" then click on a country or region to access
reports covering political and economic issues of those countries.
The Davidson Data Center and Network
(DDCN) (free with registration) - Funded by the National Science Foundation
(NSF) and the William Davidson Institute (WDI). Provides access to
socio-economic micro and madro data on transition and emerging market
To locate additional material, search the UTEP Library catalogue, NUGGET, under the
following subject headings:
- Country risk
- Developing countries – economic conditions
- International economic relations
- International finance – political aspects
- Investments, foreign – political aspects
- Political stability
- Regional economics
- Risk assessment
- <Country name> - economic conditions
- <Country name> - economic policy
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Lilia Fernandez
Last updated: 06/13/06