Country Information

Electronic Sources | Print
NOTE: The letter U
next to the name of a resource indicates that it is a
licensed electronic service that UTEP subscribes to. Off-campus access (unless
otherwise specified) to that resource is available and is restricted to current
UTEP students, staff, and faculty.
General Information
- STAT-USA Internet U
- NTDB provides access to a "Country Commercial
Guides" section which gives information on executive summary, economic
trends and outlook, political environment, marketing U.S. products, leading
sectors for U.S. exports and investments, trade regulations, investment
climate, trade and project financing, and business travel.
- Export.Gov
- (registration required) Includes country & industry market reports,
video markets report library, broad country information, trade agreements
& statistics, customized market research services, agricultural market
research, project feasibility studies, country specific quick reference, NIS
and Central Europe reports, and industry sector offices.
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Publications:
- Country Monitor, Country Profile, and
Country Report available for countries from around
the world in Business
Source Premier U
- OECD Economic Outlook - economic information and statistics on member
countries. It is available in Business
Source Premier
- Mergent Online U
- From the
main search page click on "Click here to view Country Profiles"
- Encyclopaedia
Britannica Online U
- includes country information and statistics. Allows you to make country
comparisons and rankings on selected statistical categories.
- The
World Bank Group Co1untry Data (World Bank) -- This site provides a wide rage of
economic and development indicators for 190 countries. "The headings are:
poverty and social, key economic ratios and long term trends, structure of the
economy, prices and government finance, trade, balance of payments, and external
debt and resource flows. Charts such as the "development diamond" make
it easy to see the relationships between indicators and among countries"
- International
Monetary Fund (IMF) -- This site offers a searchable
and browsable collection of economic reports published by the IMF on various
topics for countries around the world.
- United Nations Millennium Country Profiles -
The United Nations has created 48 social and economic indicators for
countries around the world. Among the statistics provided on this site: AIDS
cases; access to essential drugs; C02 emissions; children immunizations;
debt service; energy usage; Internet users; literacy rates; PC usage;
poverty; telephone usage; and more.
- United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - The Human Development Reports provide
demographics and other information for various countries.
World Factbook - Data available for more than 260 countries.
Includes the map and flag, geographic, population, government, economic,
communication, transportation, military, and transnational issue information.
Useful for checking the political and financial outlook for various
countries. An
online version of this publication is also
available in the "Reference" section of Lexis-Nexis
Academic Universe
- Walden’s Country Reports is available in
the "Reference" section of Lexis-Nexis
Academic UniverseU.
- Background Notes (U.S.
Department of State) - include facts on the country's land, people,
history, government, political conditions, economy, and its relations with
other countries and the United States.
- Country Studies / Area Handbooks
(University of Pennsylvania Library)
- Country Commercial
Guides (International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce) - Contain information on the business and economic
situation in foreign countries, including the political climate as it affects
U.S. business. Useful for checking the political and financial outlook for
various countries.
- Country
Commercial Guides (Bureau of Economics and Business Affairs) - reports
present a comprehensive look at countries' commercial environments, using
economic, political and market analysis.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
(some publications for free) - Select a country from the "Countries Online" menu on the left
sidebar. When the page of the country selected opens up, click on
"English". Useful publications include the country highlights and
doing business guides. Click on "Publications", then "PwC
Publications Search" and type topic term (ex. country reports) to retrieve other
documents. Click on "Global" at the top of the page, then
"International Briefings", then select country to find out the
current state of the economy for that country.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu's Global Business Guides - The Guides,
which are designed for businesses that operate in a crossborder context,
provide essential information on the latest legislative and regulatory
changes and operating conditions in more than 50 jurisdictions. The
Guides are supplemented by the Snapshot
series, at–a–glance summaries of vital information, including tax rates, key
economic indicators, and the business and financing climate for nearly 100
Mundi: Guides to Doing Business - give you
important country and state-specific information that can be used to
research new business markets. Useful publications and resources
available at
HLB International - provides
"Doing business in..." booklets.
Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialists - country profiles -
global guide to culture, customs, and etiquette
Global IES Publications - taxation of
international executives.
Fragomen -
includes a general overview of country summaries, which provides general
information about work authorization guidelines.
Bureau of
International Labor Affairs - The Foreign Labor
Trends (FLT) report series is designed to be an informative and
authoritative source of information on labor institutions, practices, and
recent key developments in the countries reported
- globalEDGE (Michigan
State University) Includes statistics, history, economy, government, and
links of countries.
- Library of
Congress Country Studies/Area Handbook - contains studies of 100
- Economist Country Briefings
(some information for free)
- NationMaster -
This site takes publicly-available statistical data on the world's
countries, on everything from crime to education, the economy, demographics
and more, and allows users to choose a country and/or a set of statistics to
graph a comparison between designated countries. Sources include the CIA
World Factbook and various United Nations' publications.
- Summary demographic
data for most countries of the world.
- Center
for International Business Education and Research (Michigan State
- country studies
- Energy
Information Administration: Country Analysis Briefs - Each report begins
with a country background, including an overview of its economy and
environment, and then provides details on the use and importance of oil,
natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear power, synthetic fuels, and
- Penn World Tables (CHASS Data
Centre, University of Toronto)
- Allows for international comparisons, provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to
international prices for 179 countries for some or all of the years
1950-2000. The variables include population, GDP per capita, real gross
national product and capita stock per worker.
Country Profiles (Electronic Development & Environment Information
System) - Multiple Documents providing sectorial profiles
of Agriculture, Environment, Economics, Gender, Politics, Education, and Health.
Includes links to current news, APS statistics, CIA and IMF country Profiles,
Industrial and Trade profiles, and Human Rights Records.
Country Profiles - useful for a quick overview of a country from an
authoritative source.
- Yahoo
Useful for checking the political and financial outlook for various
- CountryWatch - up-to-date
information and news on the countries of the world.
- IPAnet
- Consider this site when considering doing business
in or with another country and you need to find official reports and
statistical data on its business climate and opportunities.
Wachovia Country Reports -country outlook reports
Country Risk Analysis
To locate key indicators tracing the trends in social and
economic development of various countries link to the "Country
Risk Analysis" Research Guide.
Country Statistics
- Handbook
of International Economic Statistics -- 1998 Released by the CIA.
Provides statistics for comparing the economic performance of major countries
and regions. Includes economic profiles, trends, energy,
agriculture, foreign trade and aid, and real gross domestic product. It
also includes a collection of maps and charts and tables. Also
available in print at the Reference Desk.
- United
Nations Millennium Country Profiles - Among the statistics provided on
this site: AIDS cases; access to essential drugs; C02 emissions; children
immunizations; debt service; energy usage; Internet users; literacy rates;
PC usage; poverty; telephone usage; and more.
Official Statistics on the Web - Provides links to official free sets of
statistical data from countries around the globe. Covers all regions, and
dozens of topics ranging from agriculture and aid to trade and women. You
can search by specific country, region of the world, or by topic.
- WebStat: Statistics
on the Web - can be searched by country and subject
- European
Union: EuroSstat - free information included
- InfoNation (United
Nations) -
This database allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical
data for the Member States of the United Nations. (Geography, Economy,
Population and Social Indicators)
- Your Nation --
An interactive online tool allows users to compare statistics for any two
countries, ranks countries by specific statistics and it provides summaries of
individual countries. Allows users to customize queries by the world
zone, the data category and the current modifier. Most of the data derives
from the CIA World Factbook.
- Statistics Canada
- - generates
graphs based on numerical data extracted and allows for comparisons of
countries on various statistics
- Ebusinessforum offers analysis of new business models, best-practice case
studies, innovations at work, and offers profiles on how to engage in digital
business in different parts of the world
Ettiquete/Business Culture
- This site provides "business culture guides" that contain
information and advice on the appropriate etiquette and cultural dos and
don'ts when doing business in 40 countries around the world (including the
Foreign Direct Investment
UNCTAD - compiles statistics on foreign direct investment (FDI)
such as data on FDI stocks/flows by rough industry and by geographic
destination/origin. Use theWorld Investment Directory link for country
- OECD - publishes reports on foreign direct investment for various
countries available for free online.
Governments on the Web
Latin America also
see "General Information" sources in this guide
Portals/Web Directories/Search Engines
- Country Based Search Engines
(Phyl Bradley) - Country
and regional search engines. Use for research focusing on a particular
geographic region of the globe and need to browse or search a collection of
pages and sites related to that area.
- International Business Resources:
GlobalEDGE (Michigan State University)
- Virtual
International Business & Economic Sources -- (VIBES) International
Trade Information. Provides over 1,600 links to Internet sources of
international business and economic information that are in English and
available free of charge. Links include: Full-text files of recent
articles and research reports, Statistical tables and graphs, Meta pages (pages
with links to other sources).
Research Centers
- Area Handbook Series -- Country studies for 194
countries. Supt. of Docs., U.S. Government Publications Office, Publication
dates varies. Location: GOV DOCS REF D 840.D36
- Background Notes -- United States Department of
State Bureau of Public Affairs Office of Public Communication. DOCS FED S1.123: Also available online at
- Country Studies/Area Handbook Series --
"Most books in the series deal with a particular foreign country describing
and analyzing its political, economic, social and national security systems and
institutions, and examining the interrelationships of those systems and the ways
they are shaped by cultural factors".
Location: DOCS REF D840.D36 For more updated information check
the online version Library of
Congress Country Studies/Area Handbook
- CULTUREGRAMS -- A wealth of information about
more than 165 countries, emphasizes on the unique values, customs, and cultural
assumptions of the people described. "people maps"
Location: REF DESK GT150C851998 V.1 & V.2
- Demographic Yearbook=Annuaire Demographique REF HA17 .D45
- The Europa World Year Book - Location: REF Desk JN1 .E85
- Financial Accounts of OECD Countries
Provides data on Financial Accounts for OECD countries. Regroups the flow
accounts and the balance-sheet accounts by institutional sector and by type of
financial instrument. Statistical tables that provide information
for analyzing the structure of financial systems and the development over a long
period. Location: REF HG 185.C2O35
- Foreign Economic Trends and their Implications to the
United States -- U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade
Location: Doc FED C61.11: Check their Country Commercial Guides at
- Foreign Labor Trends -- U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of International Labor Affairs.
DOCS FED L29.16:
- International Financial Statistics -- It
publishes for most countries of the world, current data on exchange rates,
international liquidity, international banking, money and banking, interest
rates, prices, production, international transactions (including balance of
payments and international investment position), government finance, and
national accounts. Information is presented in tables for specific
countries. Location: REF HG3881.I626 Most current volume at Reference Desk. We
also own the Yearbook.
- Overseas Business Reports -- U.S. Department of
Commerce. International Trade Administration. Location:
DOCS C61.12: 83-10 (1982-1991) Ceased publication. Most
current one available through the University of Missouri-St. Louis
- World Business & Economic Review -- Compiled by Walden
Publishing Ltd. 1994.
Location: REF HF 5030.W35 1994
- World Factbook
-- (Washington, D.C. : CD-ROM version) Central
Intelligence Agency by the Supt. of Docs., Location: REF DESK PREX 3.15/2: Updated.
Also available on line
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Last updated: 12/15/06