- Sayantani and Anju present talks at the first ever Texas Computational Chemistry Symposium
- Anju is awarded the Lawrence and Judy Ellzey Scholarship from UTEP
- two new papers on nanotube research are online in ACS Nano and JCTC. Congratulations to Sayantani and Anju on both papers being journal covers (upcoming)
- Dr. Vukovic starts the faculty development leave in Kruss lab at Ruhr University Bochum as a Humboldt Research Fellow


- Sayantani presented her nanotube research at the Fall ACS meeting, and received a Travel & Participation Award to present at the TACCSTER 2024 meeting!
- Anju's papers on PFAS and nanoplastics effects on milk protein structure and function, in collaboration with the Narayan lab, were accepted in JACS and ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces with extensive publicity!

- Anju continues her summer internship at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Dr. Vukovic is awarded the Humboldt Research Fellowship
- multiple papers using machine learning approaches have been accepted by Payam and Gaby and Sayantani in J. Chem. Inf. Model. and J. Phys. Chem. A


- Dr. Payam Kelich graduates from UTEP

- new accepted papers by Sayantani and our undergraduates Enrique and Kevin in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C and by experimental collaborators and Payam in Nature Communications.
- Gaby and Anju leave for summer internships with Halliburton and Los Alamos National Laboratory
- our new papers are online in the ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces and Journal of Computational Chemistry. Congratulations to Payam, Anju, and Huanhuan!


- Dr. Vukovic is promoted to Associate Professor and receives tenure
- our new papers are online in the ACS Nano and the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations to Payam, Huanhuan and Parth

- farewell to Enrique and welcome to Ana


- farewell to Dr. Parth Chaturvedi!

- a JACS paper we collaborated on with Derda lab, is highlighted in Nature Chemistry News & Views
- TACC highlights our research "Computing at the Frontiers of Nanomedicine"
- our NSF-funded research is highlighted in UTEP News
- congratulations to Dr. Parth Chaturvedi and Dr. Tara A. Nitka, the first two Ph.D. graduates from the group!
- congratulations to Huanhuan Zhao for the UTEP Graduate School Summer Research Funding Program award
- our lab is awarded an NSF CBET grant in collaboration with the Landry Lab at UC Berkeley!


- Parth's new paper is accepted in the Advanced Theory & Simulations. Congratulations!
- Ali's new papers are accepted in Langmuir and Advanced Materials Interfaces , and his recent research on DNA-nanotube conjugates, performed on Blue Waters supercomputer, is highlighted in Blue Waters Annual Report.

Fall 2019

- Parth's new paper is accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Congratulations!
- Sara Linn and Kevin Chacon join the group as undergraduate researchers, welcome!
- Parth and Dr. Vukovic present at the Southwest Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2019 Meeting (Univ. of Oklahoma)

Summer 2019

- Tara's new paper is accepted in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters!
- Dr. Vukovic visits the Contreras lab (Univ. of Texas at Austin), funded through the NIH BUILDing Scholars Summer Sabbatical Award

Spring 2019

-Ali wins an Outstanding Thesis Award (UTEP College of Science), and Dr. Vukovic receives an Outstanding Thesis Faculty Research Mentoring Award. Congratulations!
- our new collaborative papers are accepted in Nature Chemistry, JACS, and J. Phys. Chem. C

Fall 2018

- the group receives an NIH R03 grant!
- our new paper "Ultralarge Modulation of Fluorescence by Neuromodulators in Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Self-assembled Oligonucleotide Rings" is accepted in Nano Letters
- T. Nitka and Prof. Vukovic present at the ACS Fall Meeting

Spring 2018

- the group gets awarded the computation time on Blue Waters supercomputer!
- our review "Computational Studies of Micellar and Nanoparticle Nanomedicines" is accepted in Chemical Society Reviews
- a new collaborative paper is accepted in the Chemical Communications
- Nature Materials News & Views highlights our collaborative paper: Antimicrobials: Broad-spectrum antivirals
- Science highlights our collaborative paper: The art of empty space

Fall 2017

- congratulations to Suresh on our new paper accepted in the ACS Central Science!
- two new collaborative papers are accepted in Science and Nature Materials!

Spring 2017

- Suresh presents at the Biophysical Society Meeting, and Ali gives two talks at the ACS Spring Meeting
- a new collaborative paper is accepted in PNAS!

Fall 2016

- the group gets awarded the computation time on Anton2!

- a new collaborative paper "Formation of apoptosis-inducing amyloid fibrils by tryptophan" is accepted in Isr. J. Chem.

Summer 2016

- Prof. Vukovic presents group's research at the University of Goettingen, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, and the Gordon Research Conference on Bioinspired Materials.


- our collaborator, Prof. Markita Landry, visited us and gave an exciting talk "The Power of Near-Infrared Light for Biological Detection"


- Prof. Vukovic attends 2016 NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop
- two new papers are accepted in JACS and J. Phys. Chem. B!


- Prof. Vukovic attends Biophysical Society 2016 Meeting and presents her research on "Recognition of poly-ubiquitins by the proteasome through protein re-folding guided by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions"
- our first group workstation is assembled and running!

- Dr. Suresh Gorle joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Welcome, Suresh!


- first graduate students join the group. Welcome, Ali and Parth!
- Prof. Vukovic officially joins UTEP Chemistry

07/2015 - New paper is accepted in Nucleic Acids Research

06/2015 - New paper is in press in Structure

06/2015 - Prof. Vukovic attends GRC on Nucleic Acids and presents a poster on "Molecular Mechanism of Processive 3' to 5' RNA Translocation in the Exosome Complex"

04/2015 - Dr. Vukovic accepted a position as an Assistant Professor at UTEP! The group officially starts in January 2016

04/2015 - New paper is in press in J. Phys. Chem. C