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Baeza Rocket

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Lesson Idea from: Isaac Baeza (Clinical Faculty)

Purpose: To give students an opportunity to bridge the gap between chemical reactions and physical science concepts. TEKS §112.7 (b) (1)(2)(3)(4)(7)(8).


Several Alka Seltzer tablets 1 small rubber band

1 film 1 large class of water

1 Hot Wheels toy car 1 nail


Secure the film canister to the top of the toy car with the rubber band.

Poke a hole in the cap of the film canister using the nail.

Break 4 Alka Seltzer tablets and drop into film canister.

Fill ¼ of the film canister with water and cover with cap immediately.

Place car on the floor and let go.

Measure the distance traveled with 4 Alka Seltzers.

Repeat procedure with 5 Alka Seltzer's and record results. Then with 6 tablets and so on.


The chemicals in the tablet are energy at rest (potential energy). It is not until you mix the chemicals with a solvent, water, that the chemicals now become kinetic energy, thus propelling the vehicle.

Physical Science Concepts at work: opposite and equal reaction, motion, potential and kinetic energy.


After trying both experiments, students will have a better understanding of chemical reactions and how they can be utilized in the real world. Socratically ask students: How can this concept be applied to the real world? Where do you see such concepts being used?

For printable version of the "Little Scientist Journal" |click here|

For a picture of the rocket |click here|

For a video of what this might look like |click here|

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Last Updated
July 20, 2005


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