• Personal Reflection due 9/7--10%

  • Application Essay due 9/17--10%

  • Restaurant Review due 10/11--20%

  • Opinion Piece due 10/31--10%

  • Secret Shopper due 11/24--20%

  • Final Exam Dec., 2010--10%

  • Daily work/class participation--20%

    Total: 100 points.

    Grade Distribution (Students can earn a total of 100 points for the course):

  • 100-90 = A
  • 89-80 = B
  • 79 -70 = C
  • 69- 60 = D
  • 59 and below = F
  • To earn a passing grade (“A,” “B,” or “C”) students must have completed all major assignments, paragraphs, and essays and achieved an average of 70% (70 points) or better for the course.
  • Not all daily practice assignments will be graded for points.

    Extra Credit

    Publications: Any non-poetry original text in the English language that you get published or accepted for publication for the public while you are enrolled in this course (in a newspaper, book, magazine, journal, or other edited hardcopy or Internet publication, including letters to the editor), counts for extra credit, whether the text published was written for this class or not. The amount of extra credit will depend on the length and quality of the published text or article, its appropriateness to this course, and where it is published. Please provide clippings or links to of whatever you have published, with full details of where and when it was or will be published, and the nature of the publication. Extra credit is not available for published graphics, poetry, or music, for self-published items, or for items published before the beginning or after the end of the course.

    Extraordinary writing: I also reserve the right to award extra credit for special achievement in the class, such as a particularly outstanding essay or work clearly above and beyond the expected level of this course. This should be extremely rare, however, and you may NOT request extra credit be given in this manner.

    Limitations: Any publications you submit for extra credit must be turned in by ten calendar days before the last regular class meeting of the course. The amount of extra credit available depends completely on instructor discretion. No extra credit will be assigned for any work you turn in after that deadline. IMPORTANT: this is not intended to replace missing papers that were not turned in—for this reason, if on the last day of the course you are still missing any major assignment, I cannot credit you with any extra credit points, even though you might have completed and turned in an excellent extra credit publication. No student can get over 100 points in this course.


  • A penalty of up to 7 points may be deducted from the Participation grade for refusal to participate in class, or other behavior that is antithetical to the educational process.






For educational purposes only.



Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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