& Attendance
Discourse Community Map: Using the definition and discussion of a "Discourse Community" provided in class, students will construct a discourse community map that outlines the various discourse communities they belong to and the different literacies needed to be a member. Students will need to consider the goals of each discourse community and how those goals shape communication (oral, visual, written). A written response essay will accompany the visual construction.
50 pts.
- Homepage for Website E-Portfolio:
Students will create a homepage for their website E- Portfolio that reflects the subject matter of their research project and provides the interface to access completed semester’s assignments.
50 pts.
Agency Discourse Memo:
Students will observe an agency in the community and write a memo reporting their findings. They will detail the agency and its characteristics, its discourse practices, and its relation/contribution to an important community or social issue.
100 pts.
Annotated Bibliography:
For this assignment, you will construct an annotated bibliography that centers on the community issue or problem that students have selected to focus on for the semester. Each annotation in this annotated bibliography will consist of two parts: a summary and the student’s evaluation of the source. 100 pts.
Report on a Community Problem:
Students will create a report which draws attention to a community problem.
100 pts.
Students will write an essay analyzing the use of rhetorical strategies within a text. Using a text related to your community issue, they will provide an objective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the writer’s use of ethos, logos, and pathos within his or her argument(s).
100 pts.
- Visual Analysis: S
imilar to the rhetorical analysis assignment, students will analyze the rhetorical strategies within a visual. Using a printed visual related to your community issue, you will provide an objective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the visual’s use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
100 pts.
Opinion Piece:
Students will write an opinion piece about their
community. Students will focus on one aspect of their
community issue and argue for a solution to a problem
that they identify.
100 pts.
- Visual Argument:
This project prompts students to explore their community issue in a multimedia form. They will employ multimedia to advocate for the position in their opinion piece. In addition, students will write a memo detailing their rhetorical choices in the creation of their visual argument.
150 pts.
- Class Presentation:
Students will present their visual argument project to the class.
50 pts.
Participation in Class:
In-class and online. including blogs and daily
100 pts.
Grade Distribution (Students can earn a total of 1000 points for the course):
1000-900 (90=100%) =
899-800 (80-89.9%) =
799 -700 (70-79.9%) =
699- 600 (60-69.9%) =
599 and below (59% and below) =
Not all daily practice assignments will be
graded for points. To earn a passing grade (“A,” “B,” or “C”) students must have completed
all major assignments, paragraphs, and essays
and achieved an average of 70%
(700 points) or better for the course.
- One letter grade per day is
deducted for late work.
- A penalty of up to 70
points may be deducted from the final Participation
grade for refusal to participate, or for other
behavior that is clearly antithetical to the
educational process.
Students who are on
scholarship, who are receiving financial aid, who need to maintain
athletic eligibility or who have been
placed on academic probation must be aware of the requirements
necessary to remain in good
standing with respect to their particular situations.
It is the student’s responsibility to satisfy the
course requirements necessary to remain in good standing.
The instructor will not make any special provisions.
Attendance Policy:
is required. To preserve a student’s GPA, he/she may be dropped from the course after missing
four classes in a twice-weekly section, or six classes in a three-times-a-week
Missing a scheduled conference with the instructor constitutes an absence.