How to write an introduction
Present first, as clearly as possible, your thesis statement. Hit'em first and hit'em hard! Then,
Tell your reader very briefly the subject, purpose, nature and scope of the paper.
Introduce yourself as someone who has the right to write on this subject. In order to establish this, briefly mention your own experience, knowledge and qualifications on the subject (if any), plus whatever research or assigned reading you did in order to gain the right to write on it.
Mention the method used for the paper (i.e., is it a description, an argument, a research report, a personal reaction, or what?) and the intended purpose of the paper.
Briefly state the results of your study, investigation, or experiment, or the reasoning-process that your conclusion is based on.
Briefly state the principal conclusions you came to. Do not use a surprise ending!
Tell what decision you want the reader to make, that is, what you want your audience to do or believe as a consequence of this paper.
How to write an A+ conclusion:
Try to sum up the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown in the paper. Remember, you DISCUSS, not REPEAT, what the paper says. (Hint: NEVER begin a conclusion with "In conclusion," or "To conclude"! That sounds childish.)
Point out any remaining unanswered questions or unsettled points related to the subject of the paper, or any problems that still need to be clarified or need more study.
Between items 2 and 4, joining-words like “However…” or “In spite of this, …” should be used. Then reaffirm your thesis statement in different words.
Show how your interpretation in the paper agrees or disagrees with the assigned reading, with other experts' opinions, with what you always thought you knew about the subject before starting the paper, or what “everyone” thinks about it. (Hint: Never "apologize" for what you have to say! )
Tell what will happen if your audience accepts your standpoint, and what will happen if they fail to accept it. That is, discuss the real-world implications of what you say in the paper. Reassure your audience that they have more to gain than to lose if they agree with what you say in the paper.
Tell what specific action you want your audience to take in the real world, or how what you write should change your own or other people's life.
Conclude with a catchy slogan, motto, or ringing call to action. This is your farewell statement, so leave readers with something to remember!
Note: if you see that you are repeating yourself, or if what you wrote just does not "sound right," do not be afraid to combine two or more of these items into one sentence, move items around, or even to drop one or more items if they do not apply to your specific writing task. These are suggestions, not holy writ!
Originally inspired by:
Day, Robert A. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. 5th ed. Phoenix: Oryx P., 1998.
OW 6/05 rev. 5/09
For educational purposes only.
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