INSTRUCTOR  Owen M. Williamson, MA


In case of absence, or if class is ever cancelled due to circumstances beyond Instructor control, students are still expected to complete and submit all assignments shown on this Calendar page if possible.

Week 8: October 11-15, 2010

Hello Owen,


This is a confirmation e-mail about when we have scheduled your class for advising in the Academic Advising Center. We will also send you a list of all of your students stating which students do need to come to the AAC and which don’t. Those that don’t need to come can go get their departmental advising during your class time. Our peer advisors are still working on those lists, and I anticipate e-mailing that to you later this week. We have you scheduled for:

CRN 11680 Wednesday, Oct. 13th 8:30-9:20

 See you then and thank you for collaborating with us in getting our freshman population advised on time!

 Michelle Peña, M.S.

Program Advisor/Lecturer

I have scheduled the UNIV Lab room, Library 336, for Fri. Oct. 15.

How to do university-level research. How to read an academic text. How to use the Internet for university-level research. "Following the track" of scholarly knowledge. Students will examine how to develop academic survival and success strategies (e.g., note-taking, active reading, time management).  Students will become aware of and use selected academic and student support resources.

Discuss: Red Flags

Extra credit: So Many Careers! How to choose the right one for me!  Oct 14,Thursday, 2:30-4:00p.m.Call 747-5302 to reserve your place.



1. Read Kennedy (click for link),108-11 (two examples). 

2. Read Borders chapter 7 and chapter 8.



1. Complete UCLA Loneliness Test at . (Score it at .) Be ready to discuss results next week.

2. Optional: Take the Psych Central Online Depression Screening Test on your own.

3. Optional: Take the Cheek and Buss Online Shyness Test on your own.


1. Do Progymnasma 8. [Applies to theme / discipline]

2. Work on Final Report. [Applies to theme / discipline] [Group/team work]

3. KTEP report. [Academic success strategies—note taking] [Critical thinking]




ENCOMIUM: Like the DawnCarefully following the example on page 110-111 of Kennedy, write an encomium (praise) of  your standpoint on your theme, whatever it may be).  Carefully follow the example given in Kennedy 110-111 for length and style, but use your own arguments!  Do not follow the BYU instructions.

Directions for composition:

1. Say why you chose that standpoint as the one of the governing beliefs for your life.

2. Discuss in general what kinds of good people usually have this kind of belief.

3. Illustrate your argument with the example of a great person who shared this belief and succeeded greatly.

4. Show what good things that succeeding with this belief and only this belief can achieve for you and the world.

5. Compare your belief to several (more than one) other opposing beliefs , and show why yours is the very best among all of them.

6. Write a brief conclusion describing what kind of concrete activities you are concretely doing right now (or plan to do) to work for the complete success of your belief, and then urge others to follow your example.

"Encomium" image property of Please click on image to follow link.





For educational purposes only.

Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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