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Textbook:                The American Story,  5th Edition, Vol. 1, Divine, et al - Required (5th Edition ONLY)


Readings:                Voices of America Past & Present. Vol. 1, Boezi, ed. - Required


IMPORTANT:       The above two books are required from the first day of the course.


These books are available from the UTEP Bookstore as a two-book package at considerable savings over buying them separately.


ISBN: 10-013-4493-494 or

ISBN: 978-013-44-93-497


This Bundle is also available direct from Pearson Publishers at:


There will also be several handouts during the semester covering discussion topics and essay paper assignments.


The required books are available at the UTEP Bookstore and (maybe) off-campus bookstores. Look around for used copies and best prices if you choose not to buy the bundle. In any event ........I strongly suggest that you purchase your books as soon as possible to avoid out-of-stock situations that arise early in the semester at the UTEP bookstore. Also, you will have quiz assignments from these books in the first week of class.






Grades are based on an aggregate point system. There are a total of 620 points available as follows:


                            Textbook Quizzes (14)       10 points each                 140 points

                         * Reader Quizzes (14)             20 points each                 280 points

                            Mid-Term Exam                  100 points                          100 points

                            Final Exam                           100 points                          100 points



                                                                                                     Total =     620 points


*  These are in-class quizzes from the reader, Voices of America  Past and Present


Grade Computation


620 - 558 = A

557 - 495 = B

494 - 432 = C

431 - 369 = D

368 - down = F


A make-up exam for the mid-term will be allowed only for students who were absent from the exam due to a UTEP sponsored and required trip (a department head letter authorizing such absence must be submitted to the professor) or medical emergency (documentation required). No study guides will be provided for the make-up exam (which will be different from the exam administered in class). All make-up exams must be taken no later than the second class day following the student's return to class. No make-ups will be allowed for weekly textbook quizzes or reader quizzes for any reason. Extra credit offerings are specifically made to compensate for missed quizzes.

** Please Note: The final examination is mandatory. Any student who fails to take the final exam will receive an automatic F for the course. A make-up exam for students missing the final will be available only in extreme cases and will require the approval of the professor. Students approved to take a make-up will receive a grade of I (Incomplete) for the course and must take the make-up exam during the following semester.

Learn and Earn

    A significant element of my teaching philosophy is what I call, Learn and earn. It's really quite simple. In this course, you will earn your final grade by demonstrating you have learned the material presented throughout the semester. This approach takes subjectivity out of the picture. In a nutshell, it means each of you is  personally responsible for your grade. It is, therefore, up to YOU to a) maintain your GPA and, b) insure continuation of financial aid/scholarships. I do not take these or other non-performance scenarios into consideration in grading because they are things over which I have no control nor responsibility.




A       EXCELLENT: Student has exhibited exemplary performance in the

          course. The student goes the “extra mile” in researching and prepar-

          ing written assignments, participates actively in class discussions and,

          through a thorough study of reading assignments and analysis of

          lecture material, makes a marked attempt to excel as a scholar.


B       ABOVE AVERAGE: Student has performed well in the course. Assignments

          are adequately researched and generally well-prepared.

          Scholarly excellence, however, is lacking somewhat as evidence by

          a less-than-thorough approach to, and analysis of, lectures and

          reading assignments.


C       AVERAGE: Student has performed at the minimum acceptable

          level of adequacy in the course. A scholarly approach to research

          and preparation is not in evidence. Participation in class discussions

          is minimal at best. This grade is best described as MEDIOCRE.


D        BELOW AVERAGE: An unacceptable level of all-around performance (lack of performance is more descriptive) in the course. Student meets the bare-minimum requirements to pass the course “by-the-skin-of-the-teeth.” An obvious lack of study, preparation and care characterize the D student.


F          FAILURE: The only easy grade to get in this course. If you require a detailed explanation of this grade, DROP THE COURSE NOW!   You obviously do not belong in my class. 


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