Bill Robertson, Ph.D. - Classes
Teacher Education Department

TED 5319 - Educational Web Site Design and Development


Integrating Technology into Instruction - This article outlines an instructional approach into five basic phases: planning, research, development, refinement, and implementation. These five areas work as organizational frameworks for instruction and learning, curriculum development and implementation, student progress and presentation. It also frames the use of computer technology tools with a specific purpose.

Good Web Design - Good Web design makes the difference between a so-so site and a winning site that sells customers on your product and services and acts as a valuable Internet marketing tool.

99.9% of Websites are Obsolete - Excerpted from Forward Compatibility: Designing & Building With Web Standards, to be released by New Riders in 2003. Originally published September 2002.

The History of HTML - Although written in 1997 (ancient by Web standards), this article by Jeffrey Veen, is a nice synopsis and precursor to understanding HTML. It is available on the Webmonkey Web Site.

Coloring by Numbers - An article by Eric Meyer that focuses on the use of colors in Web page design. It gives a good overview of the ways that HTML allows the designer to specify colors for text, links, visited links, backgrounds, etc., with a fair amount of ease.

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