The following policies apply to all of Dr. Leinberger's classes:
- Attendance will be taken within the first five minutes of class.
If a student arrives to class after attendance has been taken, it is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor of their presence after class.
Students arriving after attendance has been taken will be counted as tardy.
Each unexcused tardy is counted as one half of an unexcused absence.
Students attending a section in which they are not enrolled will be counted as absent.
- A student's final grade will be lowered for excessive unexcused tardiness and absenteeism.
- For a fall or spring semester class that meets three times each week, the student's grade will be lowered one letter grade after the first 9 unexcused absences plus one additional letter grade for every 6 subsequent unexcused absences.
- For a fall or spring semester class that meets twice each week, the student's grade will be lowered one letter grade after the first 6 unexcused absences plus one additional letter grade for every 4 subsequent unexcused absences.
- For a fall or spring semester class that meets once each week, the student's grade will be lowered one letter grade after the first 3 unexcused absences plus one additional letter grade for every 2 subsequent unexcused absences.
- For a summer class that meets five times each week, the student's grade will be lowered one letter grade after the first 3 unexcused absences plus one additional letter grade for every 2 subsequent unexcused absences.
- Assignments: Late assignments may be submitted up to seven calendar days (168 hours) after the original due date for 50% of their original point value.
After seven calendar days, late assignments may still be submitted, but for no point value.
It is strongly suggested that students keep old assignments and quizzes until after final grades have been submitted.
Old assignments, if not picked up by the student in class, will be placed in the tray on the instructor's office door.
- Students are encouraged to work together on assignments, however, each student must submit written assignments in their own handwriting, in pencil, unless otherwise instructed.
Photocopied answers, including answers to assignments discussed in class, are not permitted.
Assignments that include photocopied answers will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office for disciplinary action.
- All electronic devices, including MP3 players, cellular telephones, and pagers, must be turned off or in silent mode during class.
All electronic devices should be kept out of sight at all times.
Exceptions will be made for parents of small children and expectant fathers.
- Students may not wear headphones of any kind during class.
- Laptop computers may only be used during the first and last five minutes of class (except MUST 3218).
- Please visit Dr. Leinberger's Fall Semester Final Exam Schedule or Dr. Leinberger's Spring Semester Final Exam Schedule for the date and time of the final exam.
Students may not change the day or time of their Final Exam.
Students should never schedule a jury or any other appointment during a final exam.
- Each student should check his or her UTEP email account each day of the semester when registered for this class.
The following policies apply to this class:
- Come to class on time and prepared.
Bring your textbook to every class.
- Assignments are due on Thursdays at the beginning of class.
Unless otherwise indicated, assignments will be in the form of a Microsoft Word file attached to an email addressed only to CHARLESL@UTEP.EDU.
Do not send email to Blackboard!
When sending assignments by email, students must follow these guidelines.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in no credit being earned on the assignment
- Assignments must be sent from the student's UTEP email account.
- The "Subject" field of the email must contain "1324" or the email may not be received and read by the instructor.
- The body of the email must contain the student's real name!
Students do not need to include a UTEP student ID number in the body of the email, only in the attached file.
See specific instructions for each assignment by following links in the schedule below.
- The file name of the attachment must contain the assignment's due date in the following format: "yyyymmdd.doc"
For example, and assignment due on February 11, 2010 would include "20100211..."
- After the due date and a space, the file name should include the student's UTEP username, for example: "20100211 charlesl..." (replace "charlesl" with your UTEP username)
- Finally, after the date, a space, username, and a space, the file name should include a description of the assignment as found on the syllabus,
such as: "20100211 charlesl concert report 1.doc"
- Concert Reports: Attend live, local musical concerts (excluding rock, some jazz, opera, and musicals) of serious art music:
UTEP Music Department concerts/recitals, El Paso Symphony Orchestra, Pro Musica Chamber Music.
Three reports during the semester will be graded. For each Concert Report, the student is required to:
- See Concert Report for instructions and an example of how to write the concert report.
- The Concert Report, like other assignments, will be submitted as an email attachment.
- Submit a program from the performance signed by one of the performers or a UTEP Music Faculty member.
If no program is provided, the concert is not eligible for a Concert Report.
- Quizzes take place in class on Thursdays.
If a student misses a quiz due to an excused absence (university function, medical emergency, car trouble, etc.), the student may take the quiz during the instructor's office hours.
To do so, the student must provide some documentation for his or her absence.
- Purchase 4x6 spiral bound note cards immediately.
For each listening example presented in your book, you will create a note card with the following information:
- Composer's Name
- Composer's Dates (if known)
- Title of Work
- Date of Work (if known)
- Style Period
- Form
- Genre
- Medium
- "What to Listen for" as found in your text.
These cards are required for entrance to the Midterm and Final Exams.
They are the only "open book" component of the exams.
During an exam you may have only the spiral-bound note cards, a pencil, and an eraser on your desk.
- Some listening will be done in class, but the student is responsible for all listening assignments.
- The Midterm Exams will be during class on Thursday of weeks 5 and 10.