Accounting and Taxation Research Guide

Connect to Top Accounting Databases
NOTE: The letter U
next to the name of a resource indicates that it is a
licensed electronic service that UTEP subscribes to. Off-campus access (unless
otherwise specified) to that resource is available, but is restricted to current
UTEP students, staff, and faculty.
Accounting Standards and Interpretations see
also "International Accounting Standards"
RIA Checkpoint: WG&L Financial Reporting & Management (FRM) Library
Provides complete
full text access to the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants' (AICPA) publications, including
Professional Standards,
Technical Practice Aids,
Audit and Accounting Guides
and Audit Risk Alerts.
Provides complete
full text access to the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB)
publications, including: Original
Current Text, EITF
Implementation Guides, Exposure Drafts, and
Comprehensive Topical Index.
Provides full
text access to GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board)
literature. Includes Original Pronouncements, Codification,
Exposure Drafts, Implementation Guides, and a Comprehensive
Topical Index. (for more information see
user's guide)
- AICPA: American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants issues auditing and other standards for the profession.
Includes AICPA Code of
Professional Conduct
- ASB: Accounting Standards Board
(United Kingdom).
- FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board.
- FASB: The Financial Accounting Standards
Board sets authoritative standards for the US private sector.
- GASB: The Governmental Accounting
Standards Board sets authoritative standards for US government accounting.
- IASC: International Accounting
Standards Committee is the leading promulgator of international accounting
- IFAC: International Federation of
Accountants also issues international standards.
- IMA: Institute of Management
Accountants publishes Statements on Management Accounting, many of
which are available in print.
The following sources provide text and interpretation of
accounting practice and procedure:
- The Miller GAAP Guide (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
is a summary restatement and interpretation of the FASB standards. Available
in Lexis-Nexis
Academic Universe U (Click on "Business", then "Accounting")
- The Miller GAAS Guide (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards) is
an overview of common auditing practice. Available in Lexis-Nexis
Academic Universe
U (Click on "Business", then "Accounting")
- The Miller Governmental GAAP Guide covers goverment accounting.
Available in Lexis-Nexis
Academic Universe
U (Click on "Business", then "Accounting")
- Wiley's Interpretation and Application of International Accounting
Standards, 2000 is a summary and interpretation of the IASC's
international standards. (Main Stacks HF5626.E672000)
The "Company
Information" research guide will provide resources on annual reports and
Accounting and Tax Index (Ref Index HF5635 .A28)
Source Complete (EBSCO) U
- Comprehensive bibliographic index for business literature worldwide,
including management, marketing, management of information systems (MIS),
production and operations management (POM), economics, finance,
econometrics, accounting, international business, and other areas. Materials
indexed include scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books and book
digests, newspapers, monographs, magazines, conference proceedings, case
studies, reference works, industry reports, country economic reports,
detailed company profiles and financial data, investment and market research
reports, industry reports, SWOT analyses, and more. Most citations include
abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers,
based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1886 - present (updated
daily). NOTE: For an easier way to browse and
search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information,
and market research, try the
Enhanced Business Searching Interface (BSI) (EBSCO).
Business & Management Practices U
- Bibliographic index for literature about the practical aspects of business
management with emphasis on the way organizations make and implement
decisions, develop and launch new strategies, and plan for change. Subject
coverage includes benchmark planning, best practices, business plans,
corporate culture, expansion, long range planning, quality control,
reengineering, resources case studies and guidelines, and technology.
Materials indexed include business periodicals, trade publications, reports,
reviews, and more. Some citations include abstracts and links to full text,
based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1995 - present (weekly
- CCH Tax
Research NetWork U
- Full text access to the CCH Group's leading publications in accounting.
Includes federal, state, and international tax information. Provides access
to the following journals and magazines: Federal Tax Day, CCH Federal Tax
Weekly, Taxes-The Tax Mazagine, Journal of Retirement Planning, Advance
Release Documents, Federal Excise Tax Report Letter, Federal Estate and Gift
Tax Report Letter, and Tax Treaties Report Letters.
U - Provides
authoritative information about more than one million scholars and their
organizations around the world. Includes faculty at four-year universities
in Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, the United
Kingdom, and the United States. Records include verified institutional
affiliation, department, area of study, co-authors, publication and contact
information, and links to related web sites (as available). Updated monthly.
- EconLit (FirstSearch) U -
Bibliographic index for international literature concerning economics.
Subject coverage is comprehensive, including categories such as: teaching;
thought and methodology; mathematical and quantitative methods;
microeconomics; macroeconomics; health, education, and welfare; labor and
demographics; law; industry; business administration; development, change,
and growth; agricultural and natural resources; and many more. Materials
indexed include journal articles, books, collective volume articles,
dissertations, book reviews, and abstracts of working papers in economics.
Some citations include abstracts and links to full text, based on
institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1969 - present (monthly updates).
- Emerald Fulltext U
- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and
full text for Emerald/MCB University Press, Ltd. journals. Some articles
link to full text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to
full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes
management disciplines in the following categories: marketing, finance,
human resources, library and information science, economics, engineering,
training, quality, operations, production, and education. Coverage: 1967 -
present (overall); full text available from 1994 - present (varies by
IngentaConnect - Provides bibliographic indexing for a
comprehensive collection of academic and professional research journals and
books across a wide variety of publishers. Also provides document delivery
(pay-per-view, fax, Ariel) and e-mail alerting service. Subject coverage is
multidisciplinary. Full text access is based on UTEP's institutional
subscriptions. Materials not available at the UTEP Library may be ordered
with a personal credit card or through
Interlibrary Loan
(ILL). Faxed items may be directed to either the ILL Department's fax at
(915) 747-5327 or a personal fax machine. Coverage: 1988 - present (updated
daily). NOTE: Check the UTEP Library's
print and
electronic journal
holdings before placing any order because the item you
require may already be available at the Library free of charge.
Registration is required to make a purchase or obtain e-mail alerting
service. Unlimited alerts are free to anyone with an e-mail address ending
in "" via UTEP's institutional alerting license with the Texas
Reveal Consortium. For more information about e-mail alerts, consult
E-Mail Alerting Services brochure.
ISI Web of Science U -
Provides access to Science Citation Index Expanded, Social
Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
Includes a broad selection of prestigious, high impact research journals.
Provides cited reference searching and links to some full text electronic
journal articles, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1975 -
present (updated weekly). Note: It may be helpful to use
CiteSeer.IST: Scientific
Literature Digital Library as well as ISI Web of Science,
when performing a citation search of the computer science literature.
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe
U - Provides access
to full text documents from a wide variety of news, business, legal,
medical, and reference publications. Click on "Business", then "Accounting",
then "Legal Research", then "Tax Law". Includes tax articles from law
reviews, tax analysts journals and more.
- MasterFile Premier U -
Multidisciplinary bibliographic index for periodical literature dealing with
business, education, health, science, multicultural issues, reference, and
more. Materials indexed include reference and travel books, biographies,
book reviews, primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags. Includes
the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition. Citations include
abstracts and some full text or links to full text, based on institutional
subscriptions. Coverage: 1975 - present (updated daily).
SpringerLink U
- Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for journals
published by Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic, Birkhäuser Verlag, Brill
Academic, and other selected publishers on the MetaPress platform.
Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions.
Multidisciplinary subject coverage includes arts and humanities, astronomy,
biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, education,
electrical engineering, environmental science, geology, law, materials
science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, and the
social sciences. Full text content varies by publisher and title, ranging
from 1996 - present (overall). Bibliographic citations and abstracts
only may be viewed for historical content (prior to 1996).
NOTE: SpringerLink includes all subscribed content from
Kluwer Online.
Wall Street Journal (1984 - Present) (ProQuest)
U - Bibliographic
database that provides indexing, abstracts, and complete full text for
articles from the Eastern edition of the Wall Street Journal.
Primary subject coverage focuses on business and finance topics pertaining
to companies, people, products, and geographic areas. Additional coverage is
given to the arts, sports, and popular culture. Items indexed include top
news stories, editorials, editorial cartoons, and letters to the editor.
Coverage: 1984 - present (updated daily).
Auditing Sites
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- provides information on the the training and education needed, earnings,
expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions.
Careers in Accounting
SmartPros - click on
SmartPros Salary Surveys to look at salaries by title, areas of practice,
certifications, years of experience and more
Gateways see also "Taxation
Research Guides" in this guide
- Rutgers Accounting Web
- The largest accounting site in the web. Includes accounting firms
all over the world, CPA associations, Accounting departments all over the
world, accounting professors websites, investment houses, banks, world wide
stock exchanges, sites for financial information and other information.
- Pro2Net Accounting --
Click on "Resource Library", "Resources/Tools" provides
information in nine categories: Tax Resources, Financial Resources,
Federal Resources, State Resources, Associations & Societies, Accounting
Firms, Intentional Resources, Education Resources, Accounting Publications.
- Accounting
Information Sources for the Legal Researcher (
Funding Opportunities
COS Funding Opportunities (CSA) U
- Comprehensive database of currently available opportunities for grants,
fellowships, prizes and other types of funding for recipients around the
world working in any discipline. Sponsors come from both the public and
private sector, including local, state and national governments, foundations
and societies, and corporations. Records include a general abstract as well
as information on deadlines, amount of award, eligibility criteria, and
contact information for the sponsoring organization. Updated daily.
NOTE: This product and some of its features are also accessible on
its original
platform, developed by the Community of Science (COS).
International Accounting Standards
Journals/Magazines on the Web
Licensing Exams & Accounting Profession
- CCH Tax
Research NetWork U
-- Full text access to the CCH Group's leading
publications in accounting. Includes federal, state, and international tax
Research NetWork (Health & Human Resources) U
- Provides full text information regarding human resources
management, payroll, pension/benefits, employment law, and workers'
compensation and safety.
Academic Universe U (Click on "Business", then "Accounting",
then "Legal Research", then "Tax Law"). Includes the IRS
Bulletin, tax regulations, and more.
- Internal
Revenue Code (26 USC)
- Internal Revenue Service, Department of
the Treasury
- Online
Tax Forms - federal and state
- President's
Agenda For Tax Relief
Checkpoint U - Provides full text access to an integrated library of federal,
state, and local tax research materials. Subject coverage includes federal and
state tax law, expert analyses, practitioner insights, tax-related news, tax
cases, practice aids, alerts, and tax treaties as well as revenue procedures and
rulings. Includes the following RIA publications: Federal Tax Coordinator, U.S.
Tax Reporter, Citator 2nd, Tax Court, Estate and Gift Taxes, Journal of
Taxation, Practical Tax Strategies, and Journal of Corporate Taxation. Coverage
varies by title or collection, ranging from 1860 - present (overall)
- State Tax Rates
& Structure- tables comparing the tax rates and structure for states
Taxation Research Guides see also
"Gateways" in this guide
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Page created & maintained by
Lilia Fernandez
Last updated: 10/12/06