Fall 2011 Full-Semester Calendar of


Owen Williamson, MA, Instructor

Instructor reserves the right to modify calendar to meet the needs of the class.




Textbook: Opening Doors



 Week 1

Aug 22-26

Chapter 2

Get book by Sept 1.  Begin reading book as soon as you have it!



Reading: The Declining Demand for Men

In class assignments:


Promise and Guarantee


Resource on education. (NY Times)


Resource: News from Libya (NY Times)


Respond to "I Hate Reading"  Post response via class dropbox.


Do Welcome Survey.



 Week 2

Aug 29- Sept 2



Chapter 3


 Reading Journal on 1st quarter of novel.


Resource: New York Times article on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy.



A Dozen Things You Can Do On Your Own to Improve Your Reading


In-class assignment: Write your own "Dozen Ways to Improve Your Own Reading Without Really Trying." 

How to do a summary.


Bosses Checking Up on Workers via Facebook.



Discuss Wu Wei--"non-effort," and reading.


Professionalization: Start to become the pro that you want to be!


How to drop a course--please don't, but if you must, do it  this way!  Course Drop Form.


Resource: English Language Problems

Resource: Sample First Sentences


In-class assignment: Write your reading autobiography.


Tentative: do above exercise in pairs.




Sept. 6-9

Chapter 4

 You should be half done with the book! 

Labor Day, Sept. 5.  UTEP CLOSED.


 Reading Journal on 2nd quarter of novel.



Selection: Article on jobs crisis for young people, from New York Times.


In-class assignment: Summary practice on "Why Men Cheat" by Constance Holden.


In-class assignment: Your Personal Reading Map.




Sept. 12-16

Chapter 4 cont'd

 You should be 3/4 done with the bookl.

 Reading Journal on 3rd quarter of novel.


View Response PowerPoint


Reading 4: Respond to selection: on "Trolls," from the New York Times.


Alt: Respond to selection on poverty from WSJ.


Selection from Women and Self-Harm, by Smith, Cox and Saradjian. Click on "Look inside" and read available selection from Chapter 1.

Alternative: Selection: from Beginning to Heal, by Bass and Davis.  Click on "Look inside" and read "Healing is possible" up to page 6.


In class assignment: Respond to "I Hate Reading."  with what your own parent or guardian might respond to you if you wrote something like this. OR, if you are an adult student, write what you would respond if your own college-age son or daughter wrote something like this.




Sept 19-23


Chapter 5

 You should finish up the book this week.

 Reading Journal on last quarter of novel.


Selection: The Conscience of a Hacker


Selection: from Science Magazine: "Caudate Over Heels in Love."

Alternate selection: "The Species Problem"

(Note: Links work only on UTEP campus computers)


Summary Paragraph due

How to Analyze a Text


In class exercise: Analyze and respond to "History."

Alt selection: Jan Hendrik Schön Loses His Ph.D.


Resource: The Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center.(Read Abstract, Introduction, and Sections 3.1 and 3.2.  (pps 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9). Browse illustrations in section 2.  Link may work only on UTEP campus computers.)


In-class: Analysis practice:

Allowing Native Language in School Benefits Mexican-American Students, MU Researcher Finds




Sept  26-30


Chapter 5 cont'd.

Caution You need to be done with the book by Monday!


Begin re-reading and annotating it!

 Reading Journal: Overview (Wrap-up) on novel.




Analysis practice:


"Feral Hogs"


Wed., Sept. 28th/Thurs, Sept. 29.

Meet at library for walk-through.


Analysis practice:

Resource: College and new media article from NY Times.


Tentative: Return to A Dozen Things You Can Do On Your Own to Improve Your Reading


Reading as a social activity.




Oct 3-7


Chapter 6


 Reading Journal on

More about Alcoholism.


Selection: Time Travel (read up to page 9).


Analysis Paragraph due

Resource: Leadership


In class analysis practice.

Resource: L A Joins the Movement


Occupy El Paso





Oct 10-14




Chapter 7

 You should be half done annotating the book!


Reading Journal on

New York Times article on scent.


Resource: Occupy El Paso report

Resource: A real-world response from Townhall.com

Alt. Resource: Winning the Class War



Reader response: The dark side

Resource: Letter to an American GI


Resource: To be distributed in class.

 selection for:.

  • Annotating practice

  • Paraphrasing practice

  • Reverse outline exercise.


Resource on family problems: "The Tethered Generation," by Kathryn Tyler.

Alt. resource: Helicopter Moms


In-class: Analysis practice Reverse outline of novel.


Resource: Dinosaur Feathers




Freshmen mid-term grades due to the Records Office  12 Oct



Oct 17-21

Chapter 8


 Reading Journal on "A new view of the birth of Homo Sapiens."   (Link may only work on UTEP campus computers!)


Oral reading and auditory learning styles:

Resource: Fremont

Resource: History's Blood-Dimmed Tide

How to Write a Reader Response--The Basics

Resource:  Penn researchers develop new technique for filling gaps in fossil record

Alt. Resource: All girls and all boys schools

Hints: Avoiding Errors in a Response.

In class: Reader response practice.

 Week 10

Oct 24-28


Chapter 8 cont'd.


 Reading Journal on selection from Hogshire.

Alternative selection for Journal: Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity?


PowerPoint: How to do a response and avoid common errors.


Resource: Human Eggs

(Link only works on UTEP computers)


In class: Reader response practice: Respond to selection.

Resource: Article on Human/Animal Chimeras


Resource: Article on HPV vaccine controversy.


Resource: NY Times article on mixed families.




Resource: The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow? Maybe Not


Course drop deadline Oct. 28




Oct 31-Nov 4


Chapter 9

 Finish up annotating the book.

CautionTEST on the novel


 Reading Journal on selection from novel Warday, by Strieber and Kunetka.




Reader Response Essay assignedResource:  Tear Gas.

Alt. Resource: John Brown.


Essay should be computer printed, and at least three pages long: Instructions will be given in class. Due dates: Tues, Nov. 22 (T-Th class) / Wed., Nov 23 (MWF class). Essay will be graded on grammar, spelling, and sound and sense as well as on the originality, relevance and interest of your response.


Finding what is not said in the text: Resource: Taking one for the team. (May work only on UTEP campus computers).


ISARC format for responses (a guide)


Alt resource: Laundry Lint Pollutes the World's Oceans.

(May work only on UTEP campus computers).


Alt. resouce: Global Warming article


In-class response practice.
"Texas (Partially) Explained", by Cal Thomas 

Alt resource: Article from Wall Street Journal on Chinese mothers.   




Nov 7-11


Chapter 9 cont'd




 Reading Journal on selection from F. Korovkin's History of the Ancient World.. 


Resource: Rapalje

Resource: Chicago Tribune article on young vs old.

Alt resource: NY Times article on students.


Resource: Life on Mars

Alt. resource: Flags in Libya


Resource: What killed ice-age beasts?

Alt resource: Mastodon Hunting 13,800 Years Ago

Alt. resource: Modern Humans' First European Tour


How to read Poetry:

Resource: Dulce et Decorum Est

Resource: Attack


Freshman registration begins Nov. 11



Nov 14-18

Chapter 10

 Reading Journal: on the article, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," by Anju Mary Paul.


Resource: How to Get a Husband.


Resource: Couple Hit With Fines for Holding a Bible Study in their Home.

Alt resource: Bleak Prospects for Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming


Tentative: Peer review of Reader Response Essay.


In-class: Practice for Final Exam: Letter of Claudius to the Alexandrians.



 Week 14 Nov 21-23

Chapter 10 cont'd

 Reading Journal on Raison Debt, by Mona Charen.

In  class: Practice for Final Exam

Due:  Reader Response Essay final draft.

Thanksgiving holiday Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25.






Nov 28-Dec 1

Chapter 11

Last day of classes and complete withdrawal from the University 1 Dec

All Journals due last regular class session!


 Week 16

Dec 5-9

ENGL 0310 Final exam 7:00-9:45 am, Tuesday, Dec. 6, in Education 202.

You should expect to spend SIX to NINE HOURS every week outside of the classroom working on this class (online, researching, discussing, writing, and most of all, reading).   If you are not willing to devote this amount of time on the course, you cannot expect to do well.


For educational purposes only. Picture of book is property of Amazon.com. Click on graphic to order. No endorsement is offered or implied.


Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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