Your task:: Write a powerful, eloquent, fat-free essay
on your chosen thesis, as assigned by the ancient geniuses who wrote these exercises. Some of the progymnasmata require two different essays. Each weekly assignment is given on that week's session web page,
and each week one work group will be chosen to present and
explain the
assignment to the rest of the class. Members of the
group that presents do NOT have to complete that same Progymnasma on their individual wikis.
All Work Group presentations must have a creative component like a PowerPoint, a homemade video, a poster presentation, handouts, or other techniques beyond simple lecture or explanation. Groups will "sell" the assignment by giving examples and tips for success.
On a random basis, students will be requested to declaim their progymnasmata in class.
You will receive full credit for your Wiki if it includes 11 complete, well-written, interesting, fat-free progymnasmata exactly as assigned (the first progymnasma is for practice; the last 12 are for credit).
All progymnasmata will be checked at mid-term, and are due before the end of the semster. Please do not write anything too personal or too gross to be shared with others in the class.
O.W. rev 1/11