Description: English 0310 is designed to help students improve their comprehension of college-level material. Students will work independently and in groups to develop strategies for understanding written text. They will learn how to recognize basic organizational patterns and how to use these patterns along with other necessary elements of language and text structure at all stages of the reading process.


You need to schedule SIX to NINE HOURS every week outside of the classroom for working on this class (online, writing, researching, discussing, and most of all, reading).   If you do not, you cannot expect to do well.

"The only effective way to read, is to re-read."

The word "effective" here means being an active reader. This means that you shouldn't simply read the material without making any marks and underlining in your book(s). Don't think of an assignment as just another thing to read; think of it as a way of connecting with the material. Be creative when it comes to reading.  Ask hypothetical questions that will help you create a scenario.  This is what most professors refer to as "analytical thinking."  Learning isn't just about names and dates and facts and numbers, it's also about HOW and WHY (the significance), and sometimes the WHAT IF?. It is important that you transform from being a passive reader, which some of you have been trained to be, and engage in active reading. Think for yourself and determine why the material your are reading is important.  It is a good idea to underline key concepts and make both a mental and written note of any questions you might have.  Make a point to find anything you can logically disagree with.  More than likely, your professor will not penalize you for presenting a cogent counter-argument; just as long as you provide evidence from the material for your position.

Contrary to popular belief, you will not get more money back at the end of a semester for returning a book that isn't marked up, or even for one that hasn't been read.  Most courses are primarily based on reading textbooks, as well as secondary sources, and sometimes primary sources. So the best thing to do for yourself, and ultimately your grade, is to READ, then re-READ, and finally, re-READ again.      [Adapted from <>]

Owen M. Williamson, MA
209 Education Bldg.
Tel. 915-747-7625 or 915-747-5693.  Fax 915-747-5655

"It would appear that young people today are doing very little reading of any kind. In 2004, the National Endowment for the Arts, consulting a vast array of surveys, including the United States Census, found that just 43% of young people ages 18 to 24 read literature. In 1982, the number was 60%. A majority do not read either newspapers, fiction, poetry, or drama. Save for the possibility that they are reading the Bible or works of non-fiction, for which solid statistics are unavailable, it would appear that this generation is less well read than any other since statistics began to be kept. "

Excerpted from Just How Stupid Are We?, by Rick Shenkman. New York, Basic Books, 2008.

Course calendar  


Freshman Time Management Calculator

A Dozen Things You Can Do On Your Own to Improve Your Reading

Academic Freedom in this Course

English Power Tools

English 0310 Course Rules

College Reading

Cut the Verbal Fat

Developmental English Computer Lab Policies

Developmental English Vocabulary List

Diversity Links

English Language Problems?

Extra Credit

Book Reports

English 0310 Grading

How to Analyze a Primary Source (Carleton College)

How to Format Papers (MLA)

How to Read History (Carleton College)

Reader Response: The Dark Side (How to Attack or Put Down a Text)

"I Hate Reading"

Index of Prohibited Words for Academic Writing

Reader Response Checklist for Peer Review or Revision

How to Write a Reader Response--The Basics

How to Write a Book Review (Carleton College)

Relax, You Already Know How to Do a Summary!

Sample First Sentences for Summaries, Analyses and Responses

Skills List for College English

Summary Checklist for Peer-Review or Revision

How to Summarize a Text

Time to Read

How to Analyze a Text

English 0310 Writing Rules

English Tutoring (available in EDUC 317)

Your Attitude

History Resources (Prof. R. Cross)

Diversity links


Required book: Click here.

 "As Simple as ABC," by Rudyard Kipling (fiction-resource)

Extra resources:

COURSE DESCRIPTION (from syllabus)


ENGLISH 0310 will introduce students to effective reading habits for meaningful application to a variety of texts.  The reading habits for success in college level course work will be strongly stressed.  The course emphasizes the development of vocabulary, comprehension techniques, critical analysis, and written responses to various types of reading materials.

 1. Working with a variety of texts, students will learn to apply effective reading strategies at all levels of the reading process.  Moreover, students will learn to recognize and apply appropriate reading techniques for reading across the disciplines as well as nonacademic reading.   

  2.   Using the various stages of the writing process—prewriting, drafting, revising, revision, and proofreading—students will compose paragraphs, summaries and essays to understand how to construct meaning in a text.

     3.   Students will respond to readings and practice expressive writing through journal entries.  

O.W 7/06 rev. 06/08

For educational purposes only.

Owen M. Williamson - Education Bldg 211E - phone: (915) 747 7625 - fax: (915) 747 5655
The University of Texas at El Paso - 500 W. University Ave. - El Paso, TX 79968
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