The University of Texas at El Paso

Bill Robertson

SIED 5323 - Societal Context of Science Education

PBL Overview

PBL Components

Research Paper 1

Research Paper 2

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3


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Activity 3


Utilize a Heading that will immediately grab the attention of the reader and promote a connection to the overall theme – For example “Who’s the Polluter” or “Anarchy Science”.

Guiding Question for Activity and Introduction

What is the overall purpose of the activity and how does it relate to developing the understanding of the overall problem as identified for the PBL?

TEKS Addressed (by subject area as appropriate)

What specific objectives are you focusing on within the activity? Remember to keep the list short so that you do not try and reach too many single objectives within a given activity. As a rule of thumb, it is best to have 1-3 objectives as a maximum for a single activity. You can also make this multidisciplinary by including TEKS (or objectives) from other subject areas, but again, use caution, so as not to try and do too many for any single given activity.

Step by Step Instructions for Activity

The steps by which one could recreate this activity including materials are specifically written and provided.

Defined Pedagogical Method(s) for Facilitating the Activity

What are the pedagogical methods that would be best for facilitating the activity? How could it best be done in a classroom?

Assessment for Activity

How will the activity be assessed? What will students do in order for the classroom teacher to understand what students have learned as a result of the activity?

Community Resources, Content Resources and Web Sites (as needed)

For this area, the designer should list any specific Community Resources, Content Resources and Web Sites that might be useful for the learner to utilize to better understand the activity or to utilize to complete the activity.


UTEP College of Education
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