The University of Texas at El Paso

Bill Robertson

SIED 5323 - Societal Context of Science Education

PBL Overview

PBL Components

Research Paper 1

Research Paper 2

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3


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Links and Resources

Problem-Based Learning
The Faculty Development Institute at California State University offers an online PBL tutorial (8 pages) covering the following sections: What is PBL?, Advantages, Barriers, Overcoming Barriers and Implementing PBL, Example of Facilitating, Obstacles to Overcome, Assessment of PBL, and Creating An Appropriate Problem.

Problem-based Learning (PBL)
The University of Delaware hosts a website for faculty and teaching staff interested in the problem-based teaching method. PBL articles, sample PBL problems, and links to other PBL websites are provided.

Dan Tries Problem-Based Learning: A Case Study.
This site provides an introduction to problem-based learning (what? and why?) along with a case study about the trials and tribulations of a fictional anthropology professor's attempts to alert faculty who are interested in trying the method to some of the unexpected challenges they might encounter.

Project, Problem, and Inquiry-based Learning
A project-based approach is enjoyable for everyone involved. Can fun activities really promote learning? Over the past decade an increasing number of studies have shown the positive impact of project-based learning on achievement.


UTEP College of Education
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